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  • Question 1 - What is the most likely cause of bilateral gynaecomastia in a 55-year old...


    • What is the most likely cause of bilateral gynaecomastia in a 55-year old male?

      Your Answer: History of antidepressant drug therapy

      Correct Answer: Hepatic failure


      Hypertrophy of breast tissue in males is known as gynaecomastia. It is normally due to proliferation of stroma and not of mammary ducts. Physiological gynaecomastia can occur during puberty and is often transient, bilateral, symmetrical and possibly tender. Gynaecomastia can occur during old age too, but is usually unilateral. Other causes include hepatic or renal failure, endocrinological disorders, drugs (anabolic steroids, antineoplastic drugs, calcium channel blockers, cimetidine, digitalis, oestrogens, isoniazid, ketoconazole, methadone, metronidazole, reserpine, spironolactone, theophylline), and marijuana. It should not be confused with malignancy which is often hard, asymmetric and fixed to the dermis or fascia. Treatment if indicated, includes withdrawal of the causative factor or treatment of the underlying disorder.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pathology
      • Women's Health
  • Question 2 - Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) will most likely be reduced by which of the...


    • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) will most likely be reduced by which of the following?

      Your Answer: Decrease in body temperature


      The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is defined as the rate of calorie consumption after an overnight fast, in the absence of any muscular activity, with the patient in a restful state. Various factors affect the BMR including weight, body surface area and age. The BMR is 30 kcal/m2 per hour at birth; at age 2, the rate is 57 kcal/m2 per hour; and at age 20, 41 kcal/m2 per hour. After this, the BMR decreases by 10% between 20-60 years of age. Women are known to have a 10% lower BMR than men (due to higher fat content). A one-degree change in body temperature leads to a 10% change in BMR in the same direction. However, shivering and increasing ambient temperature brings about a rise in BMR, and so does stress, physical activity, caffeine, theophylline and hyperthyroidism. Also, thermogenesis induced by diet results in increased metabolic rate and hence, BMR should be ideally measured after overnight fasting.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastroenterology
      • Physiology
  • Question 3 - What is the nerve supply of the muscle that is inserted onto the...


    • What is the nerve supply of the muscle that is inserted onto the crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus?

      Your Answer: Lower subscapular


      The muscle is the subscapularis muscle which is supplied by the lower subscapular nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Upper Limb
  • Question 4 - The petrous part of the internal carotid artery is located inside of which...


    • The petrous part of the internal carotid artery is located inside of which cranial bone?

      Your Answer: Temporal


      The petrous segment, or C2, of the internal carotid is that which is inside the petrous part of the temporal bone. This segment extends until the foramen lacerum. The petrous portion classically has three sections: an ascending, or vertical portion; the genu, or bend; and the horizontal portion.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 5 - The anatomical course of the phrenic nerve passes over the following muscle in...


    • The anatomical course of the phrenic nerve passes over the following muscle in the neck?

      Your Answer: Anterior scalene


      The phrenic nerve originates in the neck between C3-C5, mostly C4 spinal root. It enters the thoracic cavity past the heart and lungs to the diaphragm. In the neck, this nerve begins at the lateral border of the anterior scalene muscle, its course then continues inferiorly on the anterior aspect of the anterior scalene muscle as it moves towards the diaphragm.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 6 - In what form are fats primarily transported in the body? ...


    • In what form are fats primarily transported in the body?

      Your Answer: Free fatty acids


      Fat is mainly transported in the body as free fatty acids. Once out of the adipose cell, the free fatty acids get ionized and combine with albumin.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastroenterology
      • Physiology
  • Question 7 - The renal cortex and medulla, if seen under the microscope, is lacking one...


    • The renal cortex and medulla, if seen under the microscope, is lacking one of the following:

      Your Answer: Squamous epithelium


      Capillaries, Henle’s loop, collecting ducts, Bertin columns and type IV collagen in glomerular basement membrane are all structures present in the renal cortex or medulla. The squamous epithelium is the only one that is lacking in both the renal cortex and medulla, because normally it is not found above the outer urethra.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pathology
      • Renal
  • Question 8 - Which of the following has the highest content of triglycerides? ...


    • Which of the following has the highest content of triglycerides?

      Your Answer: Chylomicron


      Created by the small intestinal cells, chylomicrons are large lipoprotein molecules which transport lipids to the liver, adipose, cardiac and skeletal tissue. Chylomicrons are mainly composed of triglycerides (,85%) along with some cholesterol and cholesteryl esters. Apo B-48 is the main apolipoprotein content.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastroenterology
      • Physiology
  • Question 9 - An abnormal opening of the urethra on the under surface of the penis...


    • An abnormal opening of the urethra on the under surface of the penis (ventral surface) is known as:

      Your Answer: Hypospadias


      Hypospadias is the condition where the urethra opens along the underside or ventral aspect of penile shaft. First-degree hypospadias is seen in 50-75% cases, where the urethra open on the glans penis. Second-degree hypospadias is seen in 20% cases where the urethra opens on the shaft, and third-degree in 30% cases with the urethra opening on the perineum. The severe cases are usually associated with undescended testis (cryptorchidism) or chordee, where the penis is tethered downwards and not completely separated from the perineum.

      It is a common male genital birth defect but varying incidences are noted in different countries. There is no obvious inheritance pattern noted. No exact cause has been determined, however several hypotheses include poor response to androgen, or interference by environmental factors.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pathology
      • Urology
  • Question 10 - A 46 -year old patient diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis, was to undergo surgery...


    • A 46 -year old patient diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis, was to undergo surgery to improve drainage from his frontal sinus to the nose. Which is a route that one would take to enter into the frontal sinus through the nasal cavity?

      Your Answer: Inferior meatus

      Correct Answer: Middle meatus


      The middle meatus is a nasal passageway located inferior to the middle concha and superior to the inferior concha. On the superior aspect of this meatus is a bulge produced by the middle ethmoidal cells known as the bulla ethmoidalis. Below this bulge is a curved fissure, the hiatus semilunaris, which is also bordered inferiorly by the edge of the uncinate process of the ethmoid. It is through this curved fissure, hiatus semilunaris, that the middle meatus communicates with the frontal sinus. It first forms a communication with a curved passage way known as the infundibulum. The infundibulum anteriorly communicates with the anterior ethmoidal cells and continues upward as the frontonasal duct into the frontal sinus.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 11 - What is the 5-year survival rate of carcinoma of the pancreas? ...


    • What is the 5-year survival rate of carcinoma of the pancreas?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: 30 per cent


      Pancreatic cancer typically has a poor prognosis, partly because the cancer usually initially remains symptomless, leading to locally advanced or metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis. Median survival from diagnosis is around 3–6 months. Even in those suitable for resectional surgery, 5-year survival rates are still only 30 per cent.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neoplasia
      • Pathology
  • Question 12 - A 72-year-old male presents with dysuria and chronic haematuria. He was diagnosed with...


    • A 72-year-old male presents with dysuria and chronic haematuria. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer and tumour invasion of the perivesical fat. What is the stage of the patient's bladder cancer?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: T3


      Bladder cancer is the growth of abnormal or cancerous cells on the inner lining of the bladder wall. The staging is as follows; stage 0is (Tis, N0, M0): Cancerous cells in the inner lining tissue of the bladder only, stage I (T1, N0, M0): tumour has spread onto the bladder wall, stage II (T2, N0, M0): tumour has penetrated the inner wall and is present in muscle of the bladder wall, stage III (T3, N0, M0): tumour has spread through the bladder to fat around the bladder and stage IV: (T4, N0, M0): tumour has grown through the bladder wall and into the pelvic or abdominal wall. The stage of cancer in the case presented is T3 because of the invasion of perivesical fat.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neoplasia
      • Pathology
  • Question 13 - Extracellular body fluid as compared with intracellular body fluid: ...


    • Extracellular body fluid as compared with intracellular body fluid:

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Is relatively rich in glucose


      The percentages of body water contained in various fluid compartments add up to total body water (TBW). This water makes up a significant fraction of the human body, both by weight and by volume. Ensuring the right amount of body water is part of fluid balance, an aspect of homeostasis. The extracellular fluid (ECF) includes all fluids outside the cells. This fluid can be divided into three fluid departments: interstitial (in the tissue spaces) fluid, blood plasma and lymph, and specialised compartments called transcellular fluid. The extracellular fluid surrounds all the cells in the body and is in equilibrium with the intracellular fluid. So, its composition must remain fairly constant even though substances are passing into and out of the cells. The interstitial fluid, though called a fluid, is in a reality a gel-like composition made up of: water, proteoglycan molecules and collagen. The extracellular fluid constitutes 40% of total body water, with intracellular fluid making up the remaining 60%. It is relatively rich in glucose.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Fluids & Electrolytes
      • Physiology
  • Question 14 - In multiple myeloma, which of these cell types confirms the diagnosis when found...


    • In multiple myeloma, which of these cell types confirms the diagnosis when found in a smear of bone marrow aspirate?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Plasma cells


      A bone marrow aspiration is the diagnostic test for multiple myeloma, which is a malignant bone tumour that usually affects older adults. The smear reveals clusters of plasma cells, while X-rays tend to show circumscribed lytic lesions or diffuse demineralisation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Orthopaedics
      • Pathology
  • Question 15 - If a 70-year-old man with known atrial fibrillation dies suddenly, which of these...


    • If a 70-year-old man with known atrial fibrillation dies suddenly, which of these is the most likely cause of death?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Thromboembolism


      In atrial fibrillation, the abnormal atrial contraction can cause blood to stagnate in the left atrium and form a thrombus, which may then embolize. The patient’s history of AF suggest an embolic disease, which lead to his death.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Pathology
  • Question 16 - Which of the following terms best describes the movement of leukocytes towards a...


    • Which of the following terms best describes the movement of leukocytes towards a specific target?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Chemotaxis


      The movement of leukocytes towards a chemical mediator is termed chemotaxis and the mediators likewise called chemoattractants.

      Diapedesis is the squeezing of the leukocytes from the capillary wall into the intercellular space.

      Endocytosis is engulfing of a small substance by the cells e.g. glucose, protein, fats.

      Margination is lining of the WBC along the periphery of the blood vessel.

      Adhesion is attachment with the vessel wall.

      Phagocytosis is described as engulfing the bacteria or the offending substance.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 17 - Atractyloside is an inhibitor of electron transport chain. It is expected to have...


    • Atractyloside is an inhibitor of electron transport chain. It is expected to have little or no effect on the functioning of which of the following cell types?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Red blood cells


      Electron transport chain is a series of electron carriers that are embedded in the mitochondrial membrane. It is the place where ATP is made. Inhibiting the electron transport chain will stop production of ATP. Red blood cells are the only cell in the given option which do not contain ATP.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General
      • Physiology
  • Question 18 - A 79-year-old has been bedridden for 2 months after suffering from a stroke....


    • A 79-year-old has been bedridden for 2 months after suffering from a stroke. She suddenly developed shortness of breath and chest pain, and was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. Which of the following is most likely to increase in this case?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Ventilation/perfusion ratio


      Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blockage of an artery in the lungs by an embolus that has travelled from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream. The change in cardiopulmonary function is proportional to the extent of the obstruction, which varies with the size and number of emboli obstructing the pulmonary arteries. The resulting physiological changes may include pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular failure and shock, dyspnoea with tachypnoea and hyperventilation, arterial hypoxaemia and pulmonary infarction. Consequent alveolar hyperventilation is manifested by a lowered pa(CO2). After occlusion of the pulmonary artery, areas of the lung are ventilated but not perfused, resulting in wasted ventilation with an increased ventilation/perfusion ratio – the physiological hallmark of PE – contributing to a further hyperventilatory state. The risk of blood clots is increased by cancer, prolonged bed rest, smoking, stroke, certain genetic conditions, oestrogen-based medication, pregnancy, obesity, and post surgery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Physiology
      • Respiratory
  • Question 19 - The thyroid gland is a large ductless gland located in which part of...


    • The thyroid gland is a large ductless gland located in which part of the neck?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Visceral space


      The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland in the neck, consisting of two lobes connected by an isthmus. It is situated at the front and sides of the neck in the visceral space.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 20 - Osteomyelitis is most commonly caused by which microbe in adults? ...


    • Osteomyelitis is most commonly caused by which microbe in adults?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Staphylococcus aureus


      Osteomyelitis is most commonly caused by S. aureus in all age groups.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Orthopaedics
      • Pathology
  • Question 21 - Which nerve lies immediately medial to the psoas major muscle? ...


    • Which nerve lies immediately medial to the psoas major muscle?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Obturator


      The obturator nerve is formed from the ventral divisions of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lumbar nerves. It courses through the fibres of the psoas major and emerges from the medial border near the pelvic brim.

      The iliohypogastric nerve comes from the first lumbar nerve and emerges from the upper part of the lateral border of psoas major.

      The ilioinguinal nerve arises with the iliohypogastric nerve from the first lumbar nerve and also emerges from the lateral border of the psoas major muscle.

      The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve comes from the posterior division of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar nerves to emerge from the lateral border of the psoas major muscle near its middle.

      The femoral nerve also arises from the dorsal divisions, but of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lumbar nerves and courses through the muscle fibres to emerge at the lower part of the lateral border.

      The coccygeal nerve doesn’t arise from the lumbar plexus but from the sacral plexus.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 22 - Injury to this nerve will result to the loss of general sensory innervation...


    • Injury to this nerve will result to the loss of general sensory innervation of the lacrimal gland:

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Ophthalmic nerve


      The lacrimal glands are paired, almond-shaped exocrine glands, that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film. The lacrimal nerve, derived from the ophthalmic nerve, supplies the sensory component of the lacrimal gland. The greater petrosal nerve, derived from the facial nerve, supplies the parasympathetic autonomic component of the lacrimal gland.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 23 - A surgeon ligates the left superior suprarenal artery whilst preforming a left adrenalectomy....


    • A surgeon ligates the left superior suprarenal artery whilst preforming a left adrenalectomy. Where does the left superior suprarenal artery originate?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Left inferior phrenic artery


      The superior suprarenal arteries arises from the inferior phrenic artery on either side.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 24 - Urine specific gravity allows the assessment of which of the following renal functions?...


    • Urine specific gravity allows the assessment of which of the following renal functions?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Concentration


      Concentrating ability of kidneys is assessed by measuring the urine specific gravity. Normal values of urine specific gravity fall between 1.002 and 1.030 g/ml.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pathology
      • Renal
  • Question 25 - In order to arrest sudden bleeding during pericardiectomy that started after accidental injury...


    • In order to arrest sudden bleeding during pericardiectomy that started after accidental injury to a major vasculature in the pericardium; the surgeon inserted his left index finger through the transverse pericardial sinus, pulled forward on the two large vessels lying ventral to his finger, and compressed these vessels with his thumb to control the bleeding. Which vessels were these?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Pulmonary trunk and aorta


      Transverse pericardial sinus: located behind two great vessels (aorta and pulmonary trunk) and in front of the superior vena cava and is accessed from above as in this case. The brachiocephalic trunk is located above the pericardium and the right pulmonary artery is above the pericardial reflections.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Thorax
  • Question 26 - Choose the most correct answer regarding the common peroneal nerve. ...


    • Choose the most correct answer regarding the common peroneal nerve.

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: It gives rise to the nerve that supplies the anterior compartment leg muscles


      The common peroneal nerve divides beneath the peroneus longus muscle and gives off articular and lateral sural cutaneous nerves which supply muscular branches to the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg which are the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum, peroneus tertius and extensor hallucis longus.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Lower Limb
  • Question 27 - A surgeon performing a thymectomy to remove a malignant thymoma is careful to...


    • A surgeon performing a thymectomy to remove a malignant thymoma is careful to avoid damaging an important nerve lying around the arch of the aorta. Which nerve is the surgeon trying to preserve?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Left Vagus


      The left vagus nerve lies on the lateral surface of the aortic arch. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve arises from the vagus and loops around the arch of the aorta. This nerve is at risk of injury during surgery.

      The right and left phrenic nerves, being lateral to the vagus, do not loop around the arch of the aorta.

      The sympathetic trunks, both right and left, are located in the posterior chest; not near the aortic arch.

      The right vagus: not involved with the aortic arch.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Thorax
  • Question 28 - Injury of the ventral rami at this cervical spinal level will result in...


    • Injury of the ventral rami at this cervical spinal level will result in paralysis of the rectus capitis anterior muscle:

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: C1, C2


      The rectus capitis anterior is a short, flat muscle, situated immediately behind the upper part of the longus capitis. It is also known as the obliquus capitis superior. It aids in flexion of the head and the neck. Nerve supple is from C1 and C2.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 29 - A chest x ray is ordered for a 39 year old man who...


    • A chest x ray is ordered for a 39 year old man who presents with a history of a cough and weight loss for over a month. It shows a rounded opacity in the pleural cavity near the cardiac notch. The opacity is most likely to be in the:

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Costomediastinal recess


      The costomediastinal recess is the point where the costal pleura becomes the mediastinal pleura, located right next to the cardiac notch.

      The cupola: part of the parietal pleura that extends above the first rib to the root of the lung.

      Hilum: located on the medial surface of the lung where neurovascular structures enter and leave the lung.

      Pulmonary ligament: pleural fold found below the root of the lung, is a point of continuity between the visceral and mediastinal pleura.

      Costodiaphragmatic recess: the lowest extent of the pleural cavity.

      Superior mediastinum: part of the mediastinum that contains the great vessels leaving and entering the heart.

      The cardiac notch is in the inferior mediastinum.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Thorax
  • Question 30 - A 26-year-old female patient had the following blood report: RBC count = 4....


    • A 26-year-old female patient had the following blood report: RBC count = 4. 0 × 106/μl, haematocrit = 27% and haemoglobin = 11 g/dl, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) = 80–100 fl, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) = 31–37 g/dl. Which of the following is correct regarding this patient’s erythrocytes:

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Normal MCV


      MCV is the mean corpuscular volume and it is calculated from the haematocrit and the RBC count. It is normally 90 fl. Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) [g/dl] = haemoglobin [g/dl]/haematocrit = 11/0.27 = 41 g/dl and is higher than normal range (32 to 36 g/dL).

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General
      • Physiology


Pathology (2/3) 67%
Women's Health (0/1) 0%
Gastroenterology (3/3) 100%
Physiology (3/3) 100%
Anatomy (3/4) 75%
Upper Limb (1/1) 100%
Head & Neck (2/3) 67%
Renal (1/1) 100%
Urology (1/1) 100%