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  • Question 1 - What is the accuracy of psychiatric diagnosis? ...


    • What is the accuracy of psychiatric diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Is increased by semi-structured interviews


      Psychiatric diagnosis reliability can be measured through observer and interview methods. With skilled practitioners, psychiatric diagnoses are now as reliable as clinical judgments in other medical fields, and sometimes even more so. To increase reliability and reduce disagreement, structured of standardized interviews can be used, along with definitions for all psychopathology items covered by the interview and operational definitions to ensure consistent diagnoses. The WHO conducted field trials in 1986, which showed almost global acceptability, coverage, and inter-rater reliability of psychiatric diagnostic categories. While reliability and validity are independent, reliability sets a limit on validity. Diagnostic criteria and standardized interview schedules have been proven to increase psychiatric diagnosis reliability.

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  • Question 2 - A 25-year-old woman presents with significant weight loss and you suspect she may...


    • A 25-year-old woman presents with significant weight loss and you suspect she may have anorexia nervosa. You decide to conduct a series of screening tests. Which of the following results would support a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa?

      Your Answer: Low serum bicarbonate

      Correct Answer: Low white cell count


      Anorexia nervosa can lead to various biochemical and haematological abnormalities, such as hypokalaemia, hypochloraemic alkalosis (caused by vomiting and/of diuretic/laxative abuse), and hypercholesterolaemia (whose mechanism is unknown). However, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) remains normal of decreased.

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  • Question 3 - A 35-year-old patient with a history of depression visits her doctor with concerns...


    • A 35-year-old patient with a history of depression visits her doctor with concerns of decreased energy, difficulty sleeping, and feelings of hopelessness.
      Which self-report questionnaire would be the most suitable for the patient to fill out?

      Your Answer: HAM-A (Hamilton anxiety rating scale)

      Correct Answer: BDI (Beck depression inventory)


      The list includes various psychiatric rating scales, with the Beck depression inventory (BDI) being the only self-report tool. It consists of 21 items that evaluate symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and interest in others, and is designed to measure the severity of depression. On the other hand, the BAS is a clinician-administered scale that assesses medication-induced akathisia, while the BPRS evaluates depression, anxiety, and psychotic symptoms. The HAM-A is a clinician-administered questionnaire that measures the severity of anxiety, and the PANSS is a clinician-administered tool that assesses both positive (hallucinations and delusions) and negative symptoms (social and emotional withdrawal, disordered thinking) in patients with schizophrenia.

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  • Question 4 - During an evaluation, it appears difficult to obtain a straightforward response from your...


    • During an evaluation, it appears difficult to obtain a straightforward response from your elderly client. They do eventually provide an answer, but only after an extended conversation about the intricacies of the topic, including precise and detailed information about each aspect. What is this occurrence referred to as?

      Your Answer: Overinclusive thinking

      Correct Answer: Circumstantiality


      Different types of thought disorders are associated with specific personality traits of mental illnesses. Circumstantiality involves taking a long and detailed route to get to the initial point. Loosening of association makes it difficult to follow how one idea connects to the previous one, resulting in derailment. Overinclusive thinking blurs the boundaries between words and concepts, causing unrelated ideas to be associated with each other. Tangentiality involves answers that are related to the question but do not directly answer it.

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  • Question 5 - A 68-year-old woman is experiencing changes in her personality and difficulty remembering things....


    • A 68-year-old woman is experiencing changes in her personality and difficulty remembering things. What cognitive assessment would be suitable for evaluating her frontal lobe function?

      Your Answer: Rorschach inkblot test

      Correct Answer: Wisconsin card sorting test


      The WCST is a test that assesses frontal lobe function by presenting the patient with cards that vary in shape, color, and number. The patient is asked to sort the cards based on one of these dimensions and then switch to another dimension. Patients with frontal lobe damage may struggle with inflexible thinking and inhibiting previously correct answers.

      The Benton visual retention test is a test of visual memory that does not assess frontal lobe function. The patient is shown geometric shapes for ten seconds and then asked to draw them from memory.

      The NART is a test that measures premorbid IQ.

      The Rorschach inkblot test is a projective personality test.

      The Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test assesses visuospatial skills. The patient is asked to copy a complex figure and then reproduce it from memory.

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  • Question 6 - A woman in her mid-thirties who works as a full-time employee at the...


    • A woman in her mid-thirties who works as a full-time employee at the municipal office is experiencing symptoms of headache, dizziness, fatigue, and fever.

      Your Answer: Abnormal illness behaviour

      Correct Answer: Illness


      Pilowsky introduced the term ‘abnormal illness behaviour’ to describe excessive of inadequate responses to symptoms, including hypochondriasis, somatisation, and denial of illness, which are all considered unhealthy conditions. On the other hand, healthy behaviour refers to actions taken by individuals to maintain, attain, of regain good health and prevent illness, which are influenced by their health beliefs. Illness behaviour, on the other hand, refers to how individuals perceive, evaluate, and respond to their own health status when they are sick. The sick role is a term used to describe the expectations and responsibilities society assigns to individuals who are ill, including being excused from responsibilities and seeking help to recover. However, in the scenario above, the behaviour relating to illness is not described.

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  • Question 7 - Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the symptoms of ADHD? ...


    • Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the symptoms of ADHD?

      Your Answer: Anorexia nervosa is not associated with bulimia nervosa

      Correct Answer: Gonadotropin levels are lowered in anorexia nervosa


      Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa share similar clinical syndromes, and individuals with eating disorders may transition between the two disorders multiple times. The bulimic subtype of anorexia nervosa involves binge episodes. Anorexia nervosa is more prevalent in females, with a female-to-male ratio of 10:1. Endocrine abnormalities associated with anorexia nervosa include amenorrhea, low levels of gonadotropins (LH and FSH), low levels of estrogen and progesterone, low levels of triiodothyronine, high levels of cortisol, high levels of fasting growth hormone, and irregular vasopressin release.

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  • Question 8 - What clinical symptom is commonly seen in individuals with an underactive thyroid gland?...


    • What clinical symptom is commonly seen in individuals with an underactive thyroid gland?

      Your Answer: Hyperreflexia

      Correct Answer: Prolonged relaxation phase of deep tendon reflexes


      Graves’ disease is a specific type of hyperthyroidism that is characterized by unique signs such as lid lag and retraction, exophthalmos, and pretibial myxoedema. Other signs of hyperthyroidism include low body weight and hyperactivity. However, signs such as periorbital edema, dry skin, and hoarse voice are associated with hypothyroidism.

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  • Question 9 - A 28-year-old female is admitted after a suicide attempt. What single factor indicates...


    • A 28-year-old female is admitted after a suicide attempt. What single factor indicates a heightened risk of future suicide?

      Your Answer: Ingestion of more than 100 tablets

      Correct Answer:


      The single feature that best suggests a high risk of future suicide in a 52-year-old male who has taken an overdose is a history of previous suicide attempts. Research has shown that individuals who have attempted suicide in the past are at a significantly higher risk of future suicide attempts and completed suicide. This is because suicide attempts are often a sign of underlying mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, of substance abuse, that can persist and increase the risk of suicidal behavior. Additionally, previous suicide attempts may indicate a lack of effective coping mechanisms of support systems, which can further increase the risk of future suicide attempts. Therefore, it is crucial for healthcare professionals to assess and address the underlying mental health issues and provide appropriate support and treatment to reduce the risk of future suicide attempts.

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  • Question 10 - A 65-year-old patient was recently diagnosed with diabetes and was prescribed medication. He...


    • A 65-year-old patient was recently diagnosed with diabetes and was prescribed medication. He now presents with weight loss and increased thirst.
      Which investigation is most likely to help make the correct diagnosis of this weight loss and increased thirst?

      Your Answer: Fasting glucose


      The most likely diagnosis for this patient is type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is important to note that the patient is experiencing weight loss, which is more commonly associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus of new onset type 2 diabetes mellitus. A fasting glucose test can aid in making a diagnosis and provide insight into the cause of the patient’s symptoms.

      While abnormalities related to dehydration may be observed in U&Es, this investigation alone would not be sufficient for a diagnosis. LFTs and FBC may be useful as routine blood tests, but they would not provide an explanation for the patient’s clinical presentation.

      If the patient is taking lithium, measuring lithium levels could be helpful in identifying potential side effects such as increased thirst. However, lithium is more commonly associated with weight gain rather than weight loss, so it may not be relevant in this case.

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  • Question 11 - Mr Dandy is a 40-year-old office clerk who is known with alcohol dependence....


    • Mr Dandy is a 40-year-old office clerk who is known with alcohol dependence. He  present now convinced that his wife is having an affair as she is coming home from work 30 mins later than usual. He has installed several cameras in the house and has said that if he catches her with someone he will take action physical against him. He has previously been cited for domestic violence. You have diagnosed morbid jealousy. Several months later Mr Dandy is detained under the Mental Health Act. You receive a letter from his lawyer saying his wife has moved in with her new partner, who she had been seeing prior to his admission. He is demanding the release of My Dandy and compensation for his client. What is the best course of action?

      Your Answer: As Mr Dandy was actually correct about his wife's infidelity you should revoke the detention and offer a formal apology

      Correct Answer: He should remain on his detention without any changes to the diagnosis


      The phenomenon of morbid jealousy can lead to the partner seeking out another relationship as a result. This illustrates that delusions do not always have to be based on factual inaccuracies, but rather on the individual’s interpretation of insufficient evidence. In the case of morbid jealousy, the evidence of something as minor changes to a persons schedule like coming home 30 mins later can be enough to trigger irrational thoughts and behaviours.

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  • Question 12 - Ms. Johnson is a 35-year-old teacher who you are seeing for anxiety. She...


    • Ms. Johnson is a 35-year-old teacher who you are seeing for anxiety. She tells you that she is convinced that her colleagues are talking about her behind her back. She knows this because sometimes they whisper when she walks by and then stop when she approaches. She has started recording their conversations and tells you she would confront them if she had proof. She has previously confronted a colleague and accused them of spreading rumors. She has two young children who she cares for at home.

      Which of the following is the most urgent aspect of your management plan?

      Your Answer: Offer advice and support to reduce his drinking

      Correct Answer: Contact his wife to warn her she is in danger


      The management plan will include all options, including contacting the police, and may involve admission under the Mental Health Act depending on the level of immediate risk. Morbid jealousy is a highly dangerous condition, with 17% of homicides in the UK linked to it. Studies have shown that 14% of those suffering from it have attempted to harm their partner, with over 50% having assaulted them, often while under the influence of alcohol. While the patient may be threatening only the other man, their partner is the most likely person to be harmed. Both men and women can pose a risk to their partners, but men are more likely to cause severe injuries. It is important to note that the duty of confidentiality does not override the duty to prevent foreseeable harm.

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  • Question 13 - Which of the following statements is the most effective demonstration of strong interviewing...


    • Which of the following statements is the most effective demonstration of strong interviewing abilities? Can you provide an example of a skillful interview technique?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: The use of non-verbal methods of communication


      Effective interview techniques involve utilizing open-ended inquiries, actively listening to the interviewee, facilitating the conversation, being attentive to verbal, non-verbal, and vocal cues, seeking clarification when necessary, requesting specific examples, addressing emotional responses, reflecting on the information provided, using empathetic language, comprehending hypotheses, directly acknowledging emotions, verifying information, promoting accuracy, managing the pace of the interview, utilizing transitional statements, and summarizing key points.

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  • Question 14 - You see a 72-year-old woman with a history of mild cognitive impairment in...


    • You see a 72-year-old woman with a history of mild cognitive impairment in order to assess her tactile perception.
      With her eyes closed, you place a key in her hand and ask her to identify the object.
      What cognitive function are you evaluating with this task?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Astereognosia


      Apraxia is the inability to perform voluntary actions despite having intact neurological function. Agnosia is the inability to comprehend the meaning of sensory input despite having intact neurological function. Astereognosia is the inability to recognize three-dimensional shapes, while agraphoagnosia is the inability to recognize numbers traced on the palm. Atopognosia is the inability to identify the location of an object on the skin, and constructional apraxia is the inability to draw simple figures. Ideomotor apraxia is the inability to perform a skilled action in response to verbal commands of imitation, although the ability to perform actions spontaneously with tools may remain intact.

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  • Question 15 - You encounter a 45-year-old man with a history of mild cognitive impairment and...


    • You encounter a 45-year-old man with a history of mild cognitive impairment and recurrent episodes of major depressive disorder. He was admitted to the hospital under section 3 of the Mental Health Act two months ago due to aggressive behaviour.
      He reports feeling tired, sad, and lacking motivation to participate in any activities on the ward. He also reports difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. Despite being eligible for section 17 leave, he has refused to take advantage of it for the past two and a half months and spends all his time in his room.
      He is currently taking fluoxetine 20 mg and PRN lorazepam for agitation. He has no known physical health issues. Your consultant has requested that you perform a blood test on him before considering adjusting his medication.
      What is the most relevant blood test to request in this case?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Vitamin D levels


      The most appropriate test to perform for this patient, who is exhibiting symptoms indicative of vitamin D deficiency due to insufficient exposure to sunlight, is a vitamin D level test. It is important to also check corrected calcium and PTH levels, as vitamin D is involved in calcium metabolism. Additionally, given the patient’s use of fluoxetine, U+Es may be checked to monitor for potential hyponatremia, while routine blood tests such as FBC, LFTS, and folic acid should also be considered.

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  • Question 16 - What is the definition of Othello syndrome? ...


    • What is the definition of Othello syndrome?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Delusional belief that the one's partner is unfaithful


      Morbid jealousy of delusions of jealousy are also known as Othello syndrome, named after the Shakespearean character who murdered his wife due to false beliefs of her infidelity. This condition poses a significant risk to the partner, similar to the original story. It can affect individuals of any gender and occur in relationships of any status of gender combination.

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Assessment (7/12) 58%