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  • Question 1 - Which neurotransmitter is made from hydroxylation and decarboxylation of tryptophan? ...


    • Which neurotransmitter is made from hydroxylation and decarboxylation of tryptophan?

      Your Answer: Serotonin


      Serotonin is synthesized from the essential amino acid tryptophan. The rate-limiting step is the conversion of the amino acid to 5-hydroxytryptophan by tryptophan hydroxylase. This is then converted to serotonin by the aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 2 - The following is true about the carotid arterial supply to the brain: ...


    • The following is true about the carotid arterial supply to the brain:

      Your Answer: Following carotid occlusion, precapillary anastomoses are unable to prevent infarction


      The brain has two sources of blood supply; the internal carotid arteries which are the anterior segment or the main artery that supplies the anterior portion of the brain, and the vertebral arteries which is the posterior segment which supplies the posterior portion of the brain. The internal carotid arteries branch and form two major arteries anterior and middle cerebral arteries. The right and left vertebral arteries fuse together at the level of the pons on the anterior surface of the brainstem to form the midline basilar artery. The basilar artery joins the blood supply from the internal carotids in an arterial ring at the base of the brain called the circle of Willis. The anterior and posterior communicating arteries conjoin the two major sources of cerebral vascular supply via the circle of Willis improving the chances of any region of the brain continuing to receive blood if one of the major arteries becomes occluded.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 3 - The cerebellum consist of which three lobes? ...


    • The cerebellum consist of which three lobes?

      Your Answer: Anterior, posterior and flocculonodular


      The cerebellum consists of 3 lobes; Anterior, Posterior and Flocculonodular lobe.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 4 - Which of the following receptors are found in the liver? ...


    • Which of the following receptors are found in the liver?

      Your Answer: Just β

      Correct Answer: α1, β2


      Liver consists of the sympathetic Alpha 1 and beta 2 receptors.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 5 - The superior orbital fissure is the site of entry/exit for which of the...


    • The superior orbital fissure is the site of entry/exit for which of the following group of nerves?

      Your Answer: CN III, IV, V1, VI


      The superior and inferior divisions of oculomotor nerve (III), trochlear nerve (IV), lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary branches of ophthalmic V1 and the abducens nerve (VI)

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 6 - Endolymph in the inner ear is rich in: ...


    • Endolymph in the inner ear is rich in:

      Your Answer: Chloride

      Correct Answer: K


      Cochlear fluids namely endolymph and perilymph have different compositions. Perilymph is a typical extracellular fluid, with ionic composition comparable to plasma or cerebrospinal fluid. The main cation is sodium. Endolymph is a totally unique extracellular fluid, with an ion composition unlike that which is found anywhere else in the body. The major cation in the endolymph is potassium and there is virtually no sodium.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 7 - Which one of the following neurotransmitters is considered a monoamine? ...


    • Which one of the following neurotransmitters is considered a monoamine?

      Your Answer: Acetylcholine


      Acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter in the peripheral nervous system. Monoamine neurotransmitters contain only one amino group joined to an aromatic ring. Acetylcholine is produced from acetyl-CoA and choline.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 8 - The thalamic main input from the cortex is via which tracts? ...


    • The thalamic main input from the cortex is via which tracts?

      Your Answer: Thalamocortical pathway


      The thalamus is connected to cerebral cortex via the thalamocortical radiation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 9 - Dynein proteins transmit polypeptides/proteins in which direction? ...


    • Dynein proteins transmit polypeptides/proteins in which direction?

      Your Answer: From axons terminals to cell body (retrograde)


      The majority of axonal proteins are synthesised in the cell body and transported along the axons. Microtubules run along the length of the axon and provide tracks for transportation. Kinesin and Dynein are motor proteins that transport proteins and other organelles. Kinesin moves forward or anterograde transport from cell body to axon, whereas Dynein moves retrograde from axon to cell body.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 10 - Visual pathways - Choose the true statement: ...


    • Visual pathways - Choose the true statement:

      Your Answer: The lateral geniculate nucleus, magnocellular & parvocellular pathways project to the primary visual cortex


      The optic chiasm is made by the decussation of optic fibers on the nasal side. The magnocellular pathway carries signals for detection of movement. The parvocellular pathway carries cells for detection of shape, size, colour and clarity. The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) is the relay centre in the thalamus for he visual pathway. It has layers of magnocellular cells and parvocellular cells that are interleaved with layers of koniocellular cells. The LGN is the main central connection for the optic nerve to the occipital lobe, particularly the primary visual cortex.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 11 - Sequence of events in formation of speech are: ...


    • Sequence of events in formation of speech are:

      Your Answer: Broca’s area---motor cortex---insula---arcuate fasciculus---Wernicke's area---speech

      Correct Answer: Wernicke’s area---arcuate fasciculus---broca’s area---insula---motor cortex---speech


      Wernicke’s area is located in the categorical hemisphere or left hemisphere in about 95% of right handed individuals and 60% of left handed individuals. It is involved in the comprehension or understanding of written and spoken language. In contrast Broca’s area is involved in production of language. Firstly, the language is accessed in the Wernicke’s area and these words are sent via the arcuate fasciculus to the Broca’s area, where instructions for articulation is generated. This is then sent from Broca’s are to the motor cortex for the articulation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 12 - Which afferent information is carried by the dorsal column? ...


    • Which afferent information is carried by the dorsal column?

      Your Answer: Pain

      Correct Answer: Proprioception/ discriminative touch


      The posterior grey column (dorsal column) is responsible for carrying the sensation of proprioception, two-point discrimination, and vibration to the nucleus proprius, situated anterior to the substantia gelatinosa throughout the spinal cord.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 13 - Which receptor type is associated with bronchial muscle relaxation? ...


    • Which receptor type is associated with bronchial muscle relaxation?

      Your Answer: β2


      β2-adrenoceptors are widely distributed in the respiratory tract. When they are activated, an intracellular response induces the activation of cyclic AMP; this, in turn, produces airway relaxation through phosphorylation of muscle regulatory proteins and modification of cellular Ca2+concentrations.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 14 - On which presynaptic receptor does noradrenalin act to inhibit noradrenalin secretion? ...


    • On which presynaptic receptor does noradrenalin act to inhibit noradrenalin secretion?

      Your Answer: Α2 receptor


      Adregenic receptors are A1, A2, B1, B2, B3. Out of these, the function of the A2 receptor is inhibition of transmitter release including nor adrenalin and acetylcholine of the autonomic nervous system.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 15 - Choose the correct answer: The cerebrocerebellum… ...


    • Choose the correct answer: The cerebrocerebellum…

      Your Answer: Receives input via the corticopontocerebellar tracts in the middle cerebellar peduncle

      Correct Answer: All options are correct


      Cerebrocerebellum is comprised of two lateral regions, the cerebellar hemispheres and communicates with the cerebral cortex. It is principally responsible for controlling coordination of movement. Three fiber bundles carry the input and output of the cerebellum. There are three cerebellar peduncles with different connections and functions. The three are mainly, superior, middle and inferior. The superior cerebellar peduncle is also known as the “Brachium conjunctivum”. It predominantly contains efferent fibers from the cerebellar nuclei, as well as some afferents from the spinocerebellar tract. The efferent pathways include cerebellorubral, dentatothalamic, and fastigioreticular fibers. These are tracts projecting from the deep cerebellar nuclei to the thalamus and red nucleus. The middle cerebellar peduncle connects to the pontine nucleus and the dorsal spinocerebellar tracts run through the superior cerebellar peduncle

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 16 - Neurogenesis occurs throughout life in the following two areas: ...


    • Neurogenesis occurs throughout life in the following two areas:

      Your Answer: Hippocampus and striatum


      In humans, neurogenesis or new neurons are continually born during adulthood in two regions of the brain: The subgranular zone (SGZ), part of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and the striatum. In other species of mammals, adult-born neurons also appear in the olfactory bulb. In humans, however, few if any olfactory bulb neurons are generated after birth.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 17 - Which dorsal (sensory) root is responsible for umbilical area sensation? ...


    • Which dorsal (sensory) root is responsible for umbilical area sensation?

      Your Answer: S3/c1

      Correct Answer: T10


      The area of skin supplied by one nerve is called a dermatome. T10 supplies sensory neurons to the area of the umbilicus. C3 and C4 supply the neck and the shoulder, T4 supplies the dermatome at the level of the nipple, S3 supplies the inguinal region and L5 supplies the lateral aspect of the leg and the medical aspect of the dorsum of the feet plus the first 3 toes.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 18 - Regarding the innervation of cerebral blood vessels, which of the following triggers a...


    • Regarding the innervation of cerebral blood vessels, which of the following triggers a vasoconstrictor effect?

      Your Answer: VIP

      Correct Answer: Neuropeptide-Y


      Substance P is a potent vasodilator, VIP or vasoactive intestinal peptide has vasodilator properties in the intestines. PHM 27 is a potent calcitonin receptor agonist; endogenous analogue of human VIP. CGRP or Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide is a vasodilator which is found to play an important role in migraines. Neuropeptide Y is a strong vasoconstrictor.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 19 - Cold receptors are likely to be active at the following temperatures except? ...


    • Cold receptors are likely to be active at the following temperatures except?

      Your Answer: 39 °C


      Cold and Menthol receptor 1 (CMR1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by TRPM8 gene. It is primarily responsible for the detection of temperatures ranging from 8-28 C. It is an ion channel which upon activation causes the influx of Na+ and Ca+ ions into the cell that leads to the depolarization and generation of an action potential.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 20 - The hippocampus is involved in the memory of: ...


    • The hippocampus is involved in the memory of:

      Your Answer: Facts


      The hippocampus plays an important role in forming new memories about experienced events. Some researchers say that hippocampus plays a major role in declarative memory for example memory of facts.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 21 - In humans, the rate of CSF production per day is: ...


    • In humans, the rate of CSF production per day is:

      Your Answer: 450-600 mls


      CSF is produced around 20-25 ml per hour or 480-600ml per day.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 22 - Which receptor type is associated with uterine contracture in pregnancy? ...


    • Which receptor type is associated with uterine contracture in pregnancy?

      Your Answer: Α2

      Correct Answer: Α1


      Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors cause uterine contraction during pregnancy. They are linked to Gq-proteins that activate smooth muscle contraction through the IP3 signal transduction pathway.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 23 - Where is the aqueous humor normally reabsorbed? ...


    • Where is the aqueous humor normally reabsorbed?

      Your Answer: Canal of schlemm


      Aqueous humor is a clear protein free fluid secreted by the ciliary body, it travels to the anterior chamber through the pupil and is absorbed through a network of trabeculae into the canal of schlemm

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 24 - Of the daily production of CSF, the vast majority is produced in the:...


    • Of the daily production of CSF, the vast majority is produced in the:

      Your Answer: Foramen of Luschka

      Correct Answer: Choroid plexus


      About 80% of CSF is produced by the choroid plexus. It is also produced by a single layer of column shaped ependymal cells.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 25 - The spinal cord receive its blood supply from the following arteries except: ...


    • The spinal cord receive its blood supply from the following arteries except:

      Your Answer: 2 posterior spinal arteries

      Correct Answer: Lateral spinal artery


      The spinal cord (SC) is supplied by the single anterior spinal artery which supplies the anterior two thirds of the SC and paired posterior spinal arteries supplying the posterior one third. Anastomoses between the spinal arteries supply the lateral column. These arteries originate near the cervico-occipital junction and therefore have a smaller calibre and often discontinue. Thus, they require reinforcement by segmental/radicular arteries which are branches of the ascending cervical artery, deep cervical artery, intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries and lateral sacral arteries

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 26 - The majority striatal neurons, called medium spiny neurons, utilizes which neurotransmitter? ...


    • The majority striatal neurons, called medium spiny neurons, utilizes which neurotransmitter?

      Your Answer: Dopamine

      Correct Answer: GABA


      Medium spiny neurons are inhibitory neurons which use GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) which exerts inhibitory actions. These cells represent 95% of neurones within the human striatum found in basal ganglia.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 27 - The thalamus is a large collection of neuronal groups within the diencephalons which...


    • The thalamus is a large collection of neuronal groups within the diencephalons which participates in:

      Your Answer: Sensory, motor and limbic


      The thalamus has multiple functions. It is the relay station for every sensory system (except olfactory, regulates the sleep-wake cycle and consciousness and also relays motor information.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 28 - Which ventral (motor) root is responsible for triceps? ...


    • Which ventral (motor) root is responsible for triceps?

      Your Answer: C5

      Correct Answer: C7


      Of the nerve fibers that make up the brachial plexus, C7 mainly forms the radial nerve to innervate the triceps muscle, thus innervating the shoulders, elbow, wrist and hand. C7 is responsible for the triceps reflex.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 29 - Select the correct pairing regarding the surface of the cerebral hemispheres. ...


    • Select the correct pairing regarding the surface of the cerebral hemispheres.

      Your Answer: Parietal lobe : primary somatosensory cortex


      Right homonymous hemianopia is due to a lesion or pressure on the left optic tract.Total blindness of the left eye is due to a complete occlusion of the left optic nerve.Bipolar hemianopia is due to a midline chiasmal lesion.Left nasal hemianopia due to a lesion involving the left perichiasmal area.Right homonymous inferior quadrantanopia is due to involvement of the lower left optic radiations.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology
  • Question 30 - Corticospinal tracts are located in the ___ of the white matter. ...


    • Corticospinal tracts are located in the ___ of the white matter.

      Your Answer: Posterior and lateral funiculi

      Correct Answer: Anterior and lateral funiculi


      The corticospinal tract is a descending or a motor tract which projects nerve fibers from the cortex of the cerebrum down to different levels of the spinal cord. The descending corticospinal tract descends from the origin, through the corona radiata, posterior half of the lateral ventricle, and enters the midbrain through the cerebral peduncle. In the medulla they form the medullary pyramids on either side of midline as lateral and anterior fibers.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Medicine
      • Neurology


Medicine (17/30) 57%
Neurology (17/30) 57%