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  • Question 1 - Both the arytenoid muscles and the lateral cricoarytenoid muscles perform this action on...


    • Both the arytenoid muscles and the lateral cricoarytenoid muscles perform this action on the glottis:

      Your Answer: Abduction

      Correct Answer: Adduction


      Both the arytenoid and the cricoartenoid muscles close the glottis. The lateral cricoarytenoid muscles extend from the lateral cricoid cartilage to the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage. By rotating the arytenoid cartilages medially, these muscles adduct the vocal cords and thereby close the rima glottidis. The arytenoid muscle adducts or approximates the arytenoid cartilages, and thus closes the aperture of the glottis.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 2 - A 28 year gang member was shot in the chest. The bullet hit...


    • A 28 year gang member was shot in the chest. The bullet hit a vessel that courses horizontally across the mediastinum. Which of the following vessels is it likely to be?

      Your Answer: Right brachiocephalic vein

      Correct Answer: Left brachiocephalic vein


      The superior vena cava that empties blood into the right atrium is formed by the right and the left brachiocephalic veins. Hence, the left brachiocephalic has to course across the mediastinum horizontally to join with its right ‘counterpart’. The left subclavian artery and vein being lateral to the mediastinum do not cross the mediastinum while the left jugular and the common carotid artery course vertically.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Thorax
  • Question 3 - Regarding abduction of the digits of the hand, which of the following is...


    • Regarding abduction of the digits of the hand, which of the following is correct?

      Your Answer: All of the adductors of the digits take at least part of their attachments from metacarpal bones


      Lying on the palmer surfaces of the metacarpal bones are four palmar interossei which are smaller than the dorsal interossei. Arising from the entire length of the metacarpal bone of one finger, is a palmar interosseous, which is inserted into the side of the base of the first phalanx and the aponeurotic expansion of the extensor digitorum communis tendon to the same finger. All the interossei are innervated by the eighth cervical nerve, through the deep palmar branch of the ulnar nerve. The palmar interossei adducts the fingers to an imaginary line drawn longitudinally through the centre of the middle finger.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Upper Limb
  • Question 4 - During thyroidectomy, the recurrent laryngeal nerves are vulnerable to injury. Which of the...


    • During thyroidectomy, the recurrent laryngeal nerves are vulnerable to injury. Which of the following muscles will not be affected in cases where the recurrent laryngeal nerve is severed?

      Your Answer: Cricothyroid


      All muscles of the larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve except for the cricothyroid which is supplied by the vagus nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 5 - A 45 year old female had a stroke and was diagnosed with a...


    • A 45 year old female had a stroke and was diagnosed with a homonymous hemianopsia. Which of the following structures was likely affected?

      Your Answer: Optic nerve

      Correct Answer: Optic radiation


      Hemianopia or hemianopsia, is the loss of vision of half of the eye or loss of half the visual field. Homonymous hemianopia is the loss of vision or blindness on half of the same side of both eyes (visual field) – either both lefts of the eyes or both rights of the eyes. This condition is mainly caused by cerebrovascular accidents like a stroke that affects the optic radiation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 6 - A 38 year old man is to undergo excision of the base of...


    • A 38 year old man is to undergo excision of the base of the prostate for malignant growth, which of the following structures is directly related to the base of the prostate?

      Your Answer: Levator ani

      Correct Answer: Urinary bladder


      The prostate is situated in the pelvic cavity and is also located immediately below the internal urethral orifice at the commencement of the urethra. It is held in position by the puboprostatic ligaments, the superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm and the anterior portions of the levatores ani. The base of the prostate is directed upward and is attached to the inferior surface of the urinary bladder while the apex is directed downward and is in contact with the superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Pelvis
  • Question 7 - A 46-year old female patient experienced a stroke that affected her glossopharyngeal nerve....


    • A 46-year old female patient experienced a stroke that affected her glossopharyngeal nerve. Damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve would most likely:

      Your Answer: Result in general sensory deficit to the pharynx


      The glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) has many functions which include:

      – Contributes to the pharyngeal plexus

      – Receiving general somatic sensory fibres from the tonsils, pharynx, the middle ear and the posterior third of the tongue.

      – supplies motor fibres to only one muscle; the stylopharyngeus muscle.

      – provides parasympathetic fibres to the parotid gland via the otic ganglion.

      – Receives visceral sensory fibres from the carotid bodies & carotid sinus.

      – Receives special visceral sensory fibres from the posterior third of the tongue.

      The above functions will directly be affected by the damage of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 8 - Destruction of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus will result in: ...


    • Destruction of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus will result in:

      Your Answer: Loss of satiety


      The ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus is divided into an anterior and a superior part. The anterior part controls the female sexual drive, whereas the superior part is responsible for satiety. Destruction of the superior part of the nucleus will result in overeating, as no signal tells the body that it is satisfied.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurology
      • Physiology
  • Question 9 - An 80 year-old lady presents to the out patient clinic complaining of chest...


    • An 80 year-old lady presents to the out patient clinic complaining of chest pain of 2 months' duration with a normal electrocardiogram and cardiac enzymes. A computed tomographic scan is done which reveals a mass lesion involving a structure in the middle mediastinum. Which among the following structures could be involved?

      Your Answer: Oesophagus

      Correct Answer: Ascending aorta


      The middle mediastinum is the broadest part of the mediastinal cavity containing the heart enclosed in the pericardium, ascending aorta, lower half of the superior vena cava with the azygos vein opening into it, the bifurcation of the trachea and the two bronchi, the pulmonary artery with its branches, pulmonary veins, phrenic nerves and bronchial lymph nodes. The most likely structure involved is the ascending aorta, perhaps with an aneurysm.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Thorax
  • Question 10 - An excision of a mass in the right parietal area of the head...


    • An excision of a mass in the right parietal area of the head will be performed. In which layer of the scalp are the nerves and blood vessels located?

      Your Answer: Skin

      Correct Answer: Connective tissue


      The scalp is the anatomical area bordered by the face at the front, and by the neck at the sides and back. The scalp is usually described as having five layers:

      1. The skin which contains numerous sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

      2. The connective tissue, a dense subcutaneous layer of fat and fibrous tissue that lies beneath the skin, containing the nerves and vessels of the scalp.

      3. The aponeurosis or galea aponeurotica, a tough layer of dense fibrous tissue which runs from the frontalis muscle anteriorly to the occipitalis posteriorly.

      4. The loose areolar connective tissue layer provides an easy plane of separation between the upper three layers and the pericranium.

      5. The pericranium is the periosteum of the skull bones and provides nutrition to the bone and the capacity for repair.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 11 - Following a lacerating injury along the anterior border of the trapezius muscle in...


    • Following a lacerating injury along the anterior border of the trapezius muscle in the neck, a man has the point of his shoulder (scapula) sagging and he has difficulty with full abduction of his arm. Which nerve is most likely injured?

      Your Answer: Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm

      Correct Answer: Accessory (cranial nerve XI)


      Injury to the accessory nerve denervates the trapezius muscle so that the person will no longer be able to raise the acromion of the shoulder. The dorsal scapular nerve supplies the rhomboids i.e. major and minor and the levator scapulae so that injury to this nerve weakens retraction of the scapula. The greater occipital nerve is responsible for sensation of the posterior scalp. The axillary nerve innervates the deltoid muscle which is responsible for abduction of the arm and the suprascapular nerve is responsible for rotating the humerus laterally. Cutaneous nerves supply the skin.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Upper Limb
  • Question 12 - Where is the mental foramen located? ...


    • Where is the mental foramen located?

      Your Answer: In the zygomatic bone

      Correct Answer: In the mandible


      The mental foramen is found bilaterally on the anterior surface of the mandible adjacent to the second premolar tooth. The mental nerve and terminal branches of the inferior alveolar nerve and mental artery leave the mandibular canal through it.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 13 - The dilator pupillae muscle is innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibres. Where do the...


    • The dilator pupillae muscle is innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibres. Where do the postganglionic sympathetic fibres originate?

      Your Answer: Spinal cord (T1–L2)

      Correct Answer: Superior cervical ganglion


      The postganglionic sympathetic axons are derived from the superior cervical ganglion and innervate the eye and lacrimal gland allowing for vasoconstriction of the iris and sclera, pupillary dilation, widening of the palpebral fissure, and a reduction in tear production.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 14 - Enlargement of the spleen as seen in Gaucher's disease pushes the spleen downward...


    • Enlargement of the spleen as seen in Gaucher's disease pushes the spleen downward and medially. What structure limits the straight-vertical-downward movement?

      Your Answer: Stomach

      Correct Answer: Left colic flexure


      The left colic flexure (also known as the splenic flexure), is the point where the colon takes a sharp turn downwards. It is the point where the transverse colon ends and the descending colon begins. It is located immediately inferior to the spleen so an enlarged spleen must move medially to avoid this colic flexure.

      The left suprarenal gland is retroperitoneal.

      The Ligament of Treitz suspends the fourth part of the duodenum from the posterior abdominal wall.

      The stomach, pancreas and liver lie medial to the spleen and thus would not prevent a vertical downward movement.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 15 - Which of the following veins empties into the left renal vein? ...


    • Which of the following veins empties into the left renal vein?

      Your Answer: Hepatic

      Correct Answer: Left suprarenal


      The left suprarenal vein empties into the left renal vein which crosses the vertebral column to reach the inferior vena cava. The left renal vein also receives the left gonadal vein.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 16 - Injury to this nerve may result in loss of sensation of the mandibular...


    • Injury to this nerve may result in loss of sensation of the mandibular teeth and bone:

      Your Answer: Inferior alveolar nerve


      The inferior alveolar nerve (sometimes called the inferior dental nerve) is a branch of the mandibular nerve, which is itself the third branch of the trigeminal nerve. The inferior alveolar nerves supply sensation to the lower teeth of the mandible.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 17 - A patient sustained an injury to the facial nerve after it emerges from...


    • A patient sustained an injury to the facial nerve after it emerges from the stylomastoid foramen. What is the clinical impact of this injury?

      Your Answer: Facial expression


      The facial nerve is the seventh of the twelve paired cranial nerves. It emerges from the brainstem between the pons and the medulla. It controls the muscles of facial expression and supplies taste fibres to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. It also supplies preganglionic parasympathetic fibres to several head and neck ganglia. Its branches and distribution are as follows:

      Inside the facial canal (proximal to the stylomastoid foramen):

      – Greater petrosal nerve – provides parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal gland, as well as special taste sensory fibres to the palate via the nerve of pterygoid canal

      – Nerve to stapedius – provides motor innervation for the stapedius muscle in the middle ear

      – Chord tympani – provides parasympathetic innervation to the submandibular and sublingual glands and special sensory taste fibres for the anterior two-thirds of the tongue

      Outside the skull (distal to the stylomastoid foramen):

      – Posterior auricular nerve – controls the movements of some of the scalp muscles around the ear

      – Five major facial branches (in the parotid gland), from top to bottom: temporal branch, zygomatic branch, buccal branch, marginal mandibular branch and cervical branch. From the description given above it is obvious that injury to the facial nerve distal to the stylomastoid foramen will affect facial expression.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 18 - A recognised side-effect of prefrontal leukotomy is: ...


    • A recognised side-effect of prefrontal leukotomy is:

      Your Answer: Motor aphasia

      Correct Answer: Confusion


      Used previously as a treatment for psychiatric disorders, prefrontal leucotomy severs the connection between the prefrontal cortical association area and the thalamus. This leads to functional isolation of the prefrontal and orbitofrontal association cortex. Thus, along with the desired reduction in anger and frustration, undesirable side effects included changes in mood and affect, as well as confusion.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurology
      • Physiology
  • Question 19 - A patient who underwent emergency appendicectomy complains of having numbness (paraesthesia) of the...


    • A patient who underwent emergency appendicectomy complains of having numbness (paraesthesia) of the skin at the pubic region. Which nerve was most likely injured in the operation?

      Your Answer: Spinal nerve T9

      Correct Answer: Iliohypogastric


      The iliohypogastric nerve comes from L1 and emerges from the upper part of the lateral border of the psoas major. It then crosses obliquely in front of the quadratus lumborum to the iliac crest where it perforates the posterior part of transversus abdominis and divides between that muscle and the internal oblique into a lateral and an anterior cutaneous branch. This provides sensory innervation to the skin of the lower abdominal wall, upper hip and upper thigh.

      The genitofemoral nerve also comes from the lumbar plexus that innervates the skin of the anterior scrotum or labia majora and upper medial thigh.

      The subcostal nerve is the ventral primary ramus of T12 providing sensory innervation to the anterolateral abdominal wall in an area superior to the pubic region.

      A spinal nerve owing to their deep location would not have been injured in the procedure.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 20 - Regarding innervation to the peroneus brevis muscle: ...


    • Regarding innervation to the peroneus brevis muscle:

      Your Answer: Is by a nerve that is accompanied by an artery in the same compartment

      Correct Answer: Could be damaged by a fracture of the neck of the fibula


      The peroneus brevis is supplied by the fourth and fifth lumbar and first sacral nerves through the superficial peroneal nerve which is one of the two terminal branches of the common peroneal nerve. The common peroneal nerve winds around the neck of the fibula and can be injured in cases of fractured neck of fibula.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Lower Limb
  • Question 21 - Below which level of the spinal cord will the inferior gluteal nerve be...


    • Below which level of the spinal cord will the inferior gluteal nerve be unaffected?

      Your Answer: L5

      Correct Answer: S3


      The inferior gluteal nerve arises from the dorsal divisions of the fifth lumbar and first and second sacral nerves. According to this fact any lesion at or below the S3 will not affect the inferior gluteal nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Lower Limb
  • Question 22 - The rotator cuff surrounds the shoulder joint and consists of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus,...


    • The rotator cuff surrounds the shoulder joint and consists of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and which one other muscle?

      Your Answer: Subclavius

      Correct Answer: Teres minor


      The correct answer is the teres minor muscle. These group of muscles play an important role in protecting the shoulder joint and keeping the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa of the scapula. This fossa is somehow shallow and needs support to allow for the full mobility that the shoulder joint has.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Upper Limb
  • Question 23 - Which structure holds the duodenojejunal flexure in place? ...


    • Which structure holds the duodenojejunal flexure in place?

      Your Answer: Hepatoduodenal ligament

      Correct Answer: Suspensory ligament (of Treitz)


      The duodenum is connected to the diaphragm by the suspensory ligament called the ligament of Treitz. It is a slip of skeletal muscle from the right crus of the diaphragm and a fibromuscular band of smooth muscle from the 3rd and 4th parts of the duodenum. It is an important landmark, used to divide the gastrointestinal tract into the upper and lower parts. Contraction of this ‘ligament’ leads to opening of the duodenojejunal flexure allowing the flow of chyme.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 24 - During an exploratory laparotomy in a 22 year-old man shot in the abdomen,...


    • During an exploratory laparotomy in a 22 year-old man shot in the abdomen, the operating doctor discovers the large bowel is perforated. Which of the following characteristics of the bowel enabled the surgeon to identify it as the large bowel?

      Your Answer: Continuous longitudinal muscle layer

      Correct Answer: Epiploic appendages


      The large intestine doesn’t have a continuous layer of longitudinal muscle. Instead, it has three strips of longitudinal muscle called taenia coli. The large intestine is covered with omental appendages that are fat filled. It is also folded into sacculations called haustrations. Serosa is a general term for the outermost coat or serous layer of a visceral structure that lies in the body cavities of the abdomen or thorax.

      Complete circular folds are only found in the small intestine.

      Valvulae conniventes or valves of Kerckring are the circular folds which are large valvular flaps projecting into the lumen of the small bowel.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 25 - The thyrocervical trunk branches into which artery that passes upward and in front...


    • The thyrocervical trunk branches into which artery that passes upward and in front of the vertebral artery and longus colli muscle:

      Your Answer: Suprascapular

      Correct Answer: Inferior thyroid


      The inferior thyroid artery is an artery in the neck. It arises from the thyrocervical trunk and passes upward, in front of the vertebral artery and longus colli muscle.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 26 - A football player sustained an injury to his ankle. The wound went through...


    • A football player sustained an injury to his ankle. The wound went through the skin, subcutaneous tissue and flexor retinaculum. Which other structure passing under the retinaculum may be injured?

      Your Answer: Tibial nerve


      The flexor retinaculum is immediately posterior to the medial malleolus. The structures that pass under the flexor retinaculum from anterior to posterior are: tendon of the tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, posterior tibial artery (and vein), tibial nerve and tendon of flexor hallucis longus. The tibial nerve is the only one which lies behind the flexor retinaculum.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Lower Limb
  • Question 27 - A surgeon ligates the left middle suprarenal artery while carrying out a left...


    • A surgeon ligates the left middle suprarenal artery while carrying out a left adrenalectomy. Where does the left middle suprarenal artery originate?

      Your Answer: Abdominal aorta


      Middle suprarenal arteries arise from either side of the abdominal aorta, opposite the superior mesenteric artery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 28 - Which of the following is a true statement regarding the pupil? ...


    • Which of the following is a true statement regarding the pupil?

      Your Answer: Atropine causes pupil constriction

      Correct Answer: Phentolamine causes pupil constriction


      A balance between the sympathetic tone to the radial fibres of the iris and parasympathetic tone to the pupillary sphincter muscle determines the pupil size. Phentolamine (α-adrenergic receptor blocker) causes pupillary constriction. Dilatation of the pupil occurs with increased sympathetic activity, decreased parasympathetic activity during darkness or block of muscarinic receptors by atropine.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurology
      • Physiology
  • Question 29 - Which lymph nodes are most likely to enlarge due to the spread of...


    • Which lymph nodes are most likely to enlarge due to the spread of infection through the lymphatic channels in a patient with a boil on his scrotum?

      Your Answer: Lumbar nodes

      Correct Answer: Superficial inguinal nodes


      The superficial inguinal nodes drain the perineum and the external genitalia which include the scrotum and the labia majora. The testes, however, drain to the lumbar nodes.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Pelvis
  • Question 30 - Which muscle would be affected most following injury to the transverse cervical artery?...


    • Which muscle would be affected most following injury to the transverse cervical artery?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Trapezius


      The latissimus dorsi receives blood from the thoracodorsal artery, the supraspinatus receives its blood from the suprascapular artery, the levator scapulae and the rhomboids are supplied by the dorsal scapular artery and the transverse cervical artery supplies blood to the trapezius.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Upper Limb


Anatomy (17/26) 65%
Head & Neck (5/9) 56%
Thorax (0/2) 0%
Upper Limb (4/4) 100%
Pelvis (1/2) 50%
Neurology (2/3) 67%
Physiology (2/3) 67%
Abdomen (6/6) 100%
Lower Limb (1/3) 33%