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  • Question 1 - Regarding antimuscarinic antispasmodics, which of the following statements is CORRECT: ...


    • Regarding antimuscarinic antispasmodics, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

      Your Answer: They are contraindicated in paralytic ileus.


      Antimuscarinics are contraindicated in paralytic ileus. Antimuscarinics reduce intestinal motility by blocking muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and relaxing smooth muscle. Hyoscine butylbromide is advocated as a gastrointestinal antispasmodic, but it is poorly absorbed and thus has limited clinical utility. Antimuscarinics cause a reduction in bronchial secretions (they can be used to this effect in palliative patients). Antispasmodics are occasionally of value in treating abdominal cramp associated with diarrhoea but they should not be used for primary treatment. Antispasmodics should be avoided in young children with gastroenteritis because they are rarely effective and have troublesome side effects.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 2 - By what mechanism does Vibrio cholerae causes diarrhoea? ...


    • By what mechanism does Vibrio cholerae causes diarrhoea?

      Your Answer: Increases Cl- secretory channels in crypt cells


      Cholera is a severe diarrheal illness caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria infecting the bowel. Ingesting cholera-infected food or drink is the a way to contract the disease. In the intestinal crypt cells, the toxigenic bacterium Vibrio cholera activates adenylate cyclase and raises cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).

      cAMP stimulates the Cl-secretory channels in crypt cells, resulting in the secretion of chloride with sodium ions and water. The toxin it produces causes the body to secrete massive amounts of water, resulting in diarrhoea and significant fluid and electrolyte loss.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 3 - Regarding antacids, which of the following statements is CORRECT: ...


    • Regarding antacids, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

      Your Answer: Antacids are contraindicated in hypophosphataemia.


      Antacids are contraindicated in hypophosphataemia. Liquid preparations are more effective than tablet preparations. Magnesium-containing antacids tend to be laxative whereas aluminium-containing antacids tend to be constipating. Antacids are best taken when symptoms occur or are expected, usually between meals and at bedtime. Antacids should preferably not be taken at the same time as other drugs since they may impair absorption.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 4 - Which of the following is required for vitamin B12 absorption: ...


    • Which of the following is required for vitamin B12 absorption:

      Your Answer: Intrinsic factor


      Intrinsic factor is essential for the absorption of the small amounts of vitamin B12 normally present in the diet from the terminal ileum. The parietal cells of the stomach produce intrinsic factor, and following a gastrectomy, the absorption of vitamin B12 will be markedly reduced, and a deficiency state will exist.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 5 - Which of the following statements about vitamin B12 absorption is TRUE: ...


    • Which of the following statements about vitamin B12 absorption is TRUE:

      Your Answer: On ingestion, vitamin B12 is bound to R protein which protects it from digestion in the stomach.


      The substance intrinsic factor,
      essential for absorption of vitamin B12 in the ileum, is
      secreted by the parietal cells along with the secretion of
      hydrochloric acid. When the acid-producing parietal
      cells of the stomach are destroyed, which frequently
      occurs in chronic gastritis, the person develops not only
      achlorhydria (lack of stomach acid secretion) but often
      also pernicious anaemia because of failure of maturation
      of the red blood cells in the absence of vitamin B12 stimulation of the bone marrow.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 6 - Which of the following immunoglobulins is predominant in saliva: ...


    • Which of the following immunoglobulins is predominant in saliva:

      Your Answer: IgA


      Immunoglobulin A is predominant in saliva.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 7 - A 29 year old patient with known inflammatory bowel disease presents to ED...


    • A 29 year old patient with known inflammatory bowel disease presents to ED with surgical complications following his recent ileocaecal resection. Removal of the terminal ileum may result in the malabsorption of which of the following:

      Your Answer: Vitamin B12


      On ingestion, vitamin B12 is bound to R protein found in saliva and gastric secretions, which protects it from digestion in the stomach. Intrinsic factor is secreted by gastric parietal cells. Receptors for the IF-B12 complex are present in the membrane of epithelial cells of the terminal ileum, which bind the complex and allow uptake of vitamin B12 across the apical membrane by endocytosis. Vitamin B12 is then transported across the basal membrane into the portal blood where it is bound to transcobalamin II and processed by the liver. In pernicious anaemia, there are autoantibodies against gastric parietal cells and intrinsic factor, resulting in vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 8 - During swallowing, which of the following structures primarily closes the tracheal opening: ...


    • During swallowing, which of the following structures primarily closes the tracheal opening:

      Your Answer: Epiglottis


      The vocal cords of the larynx are strongly
      approximated, and the larynx is pulled upward
      and anteriorly by the neck muscles. These actions,
      combined with the presence of ligaments that
      prevent upward movement of the epiglottis, cause
      the epiglottis to swing back over the opening
      of the larynx. All these effects acting together
      prevent the passage of food into the nose and
      trachea. Most essential is the tight approximation
      of the vocal cords, but the epiglottis helps to
      prevent food from ever getting as far as the vocal
      cords. Destruction of the vocal cords or of the
      muscles that approximate them can cause

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 9 - Intrinsic factor is vital for gastrointestinal absorption of which of the following: ...


    • Intrinsic factor is vital for gastrointestinal absorption of which of the following:

      Your Answer: Vitamin B12


      Intrinsic factor is essential for the absorption of the small amounts of vitamin B12 normally present in the diet from the terminal ileum. The parietal cells of the stomach produce intrinsic factor, and following a gastrectomy, the absorption of vitamin B12 will be markedly reduced, and a deficiency state will exist.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 10 - Gastrin release from antral G-cells is stimulated by all but which one of...


    • Gastrin release from antral G-cells is stimulated by all but which one of the following:

      Your Answer: Small peptides and amino acids in chyme

      Correct Answer: Secretin


      Gastrin secretion is stimulated by:
      The presence of small peptides and amino acids in chyme
      Gastric distension
      Vagal stimulation directly via acetylcholine and indirectly via gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)
      Raised gastric pH

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 11 - Surface area of the absorptive surface in the small intestine is increased by...


    • Surface area of the absorptive surface in the small intestine is increased by all but which of the following:

      Your Answer: Villi

      Correct Answer: Teniae coli


      Factors increasing the surface area include:The small intestine is very long – about 5 m in length.The inner wall of the small intestine is covered by numerous folds of mucous membrane called plicae circulares.The lining of the small intestine is folded into many finger-like projections called villi.The surface of the villi is covered with a layer of epithelial cells which, in turn, have many small projections called microvilli that project towards the lumen of the intestine (forming the brush border).

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 12 - Gastrin primarily acts to perform which of the following functions: ...


    • Gastrin primarily acts to perform which of the following functions:

      Your Answer: Stimulate gastric acid secretion


      Gastrin primarily  acts to stimulate acid secretion from parietal cells (both directly and indirectly by stimulating release of histamine from ECL cells).

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 13 - Pancreatic acinar digestive enzyme secretion is mainly stimulated by which of the following...


    • Pancreatic acinar digestive enzyme secretion is mainly stimulated by which of the following hormones:

      Your Answer: Cholecystokinin


      Exocrine pancreatic secretion is controlled by:
      Parasympathetic stimulation which enhances secretion of both the enzyme and aqueous components
      Sympathetic stimulation which inhibits pancreatic secretion
      Secretin which stimulates secretion of the alkaline-rich fluid from ductal cells
      Cholecystokinin which stimulates secretion of the enzyme-rich fluid from acinar cells
      Somatostatin which inhibits secretion from both acinar and ductal cells
      Gastrin which stimulates pancreatic acinar cells to secrete digestive enzymes

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 14 - Intrinsic factor is secreted by which of the following cell types in the...


    • Intrinsic factor is secreted by which of the following cell types in the stomach:

      Your Answer: Parietal cells


      Intrinsic factor is essential for the absorption of the small amounts of vitamin B12 normally present in the diet from the terminal ileum. The parietal cells of the stomach produce intrinsic factor, and following a gastrectomy, the absorption of vitamin B12 will be markedly reduced, and a deficiency state will exist.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 15 - Regarding water and electrolyte absorption in the small intestine, which of the following statements...


    • Regarding water and electrolyte absorption in the small intestine, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

      Your Answer: Water follows osmotic gradients set up by the transport of ions, primarily mediated by the sodium pump.

      Correct Answer: Na+ enters the cell across the apical membrane against its concentration gradient by both membrane channels and transporter protein mechanisms.


      As the contents of the intestine are isotonic with body fluids and mostly have the same concentration of the major electrolytes, their absorption is active. Water cannot be moved directly, but follows osmotic gradients set up by the transport of ions, primarily mediated by the sodium pump.Na+/K+ ATPase located on the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells pumps three Na+ ions from the cell in exchange for two K+ ions, against their respective concentration gradients. This leads to a low intracellular concentration of Na+ and a high intracellular concentration of K+. The low intracellular concentration of Na+ ensures a movement of Na+ from the intestinal contents into the cell down its concentration gradient by both membrane channels and transporter protein mechanisms. Na+ is then rapidly pumped again by the basolateral sodium pump. K+ leaves the cell across the basolateral membrane down its concentration gradient linked to an outward movement of Cl- against its concentration gradient (Cl- having entered the cell across the luminal membrane down its concentration gradient).

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 16 - Gastrin is secreted by which of the following cell types in the stomach:...


    • Gastrin is secreted by which of the following cell types in the stomach:

      Your Answer: Parietal cells

      Correct Answer: G-cells


      Gastrin is secreted by antral G-cells and acts on cholecystokinin B (CCKB) receptors.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 17 - Which of the following is NOT a function of the commensal intestinal bacterial...


    • Which of the following is NOT a function of the commensal intestinal bacterial flora:

      Your Answer: Convert primary bile acids to secondary bile acids

      Correct Answer: Breakdown of haem into bilirubin


      Commensal intestinal bacterial flora have a role in:Keeping pathogenic bacteria at bay by competing for space and nutrientConverting conjugated bilirubin to urobilinogen (some of which is reabsorbed and excreted in urine) and stercobilinogen which is excreted in the faecesThe synthesis of vitamins K, B12, thiamine and riboflavinThe breakdown of primary bile acids to secondary bile acidsThe breakdown of cholesterol, some food additives and drugs

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 18 - Gastric emptying is increased by all of the following EXCEPT for: ...


    • Gastric emptying is increased by all of the following EXCEPT for:

      Your Answer: Secretin


      Gastric emptying is increased by:
      Distension of the pyloric antrum
      A fall in the pH of chyme in the stomach
      Parasympathetic stimulation (via vagus)
      The hormones secretin, cholecystokinin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) inhibit gastric emptying.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 19 - A 33 year old female patient presents to emergency room with some symptoms...


    • A 33 year old female patient presents to emergency room with some symptoms that she thinks might be due to a drug that she has recently started. She was started on hyoscine butyl bromide for symptomatic relief of irritable bowel syndrome. The least likely expected side effect of this drug in this patient is:

      Your Answer: Diarrhoea


      One of the commonest antispasmodic medications that is used is hyoscine butylbromide. It is an antimuscarinic and typical side effects of this class of drugs include:
      – dilation of pupils with loss of accommodation (cycloplegia)
      -photophobia resulting in blurred vision (Blind as a bat)
      -dry mouth, eyes and skin (Dry as a bone),
      -elevated temperature (Hot as a hare)
      -skin flushing (Red as a beet)
      -confusion or agitation particularly in the elderly (Mad as a hatter)
      -reduced bronchial secretions
      -transient bradycardia followed by tachycardia, palpitation and arrhythmias
      -urinary retention and/or constipation

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 20 - On which of the following types of receptors does loperamide act? ...


    • On which of the following types of receptors does loperamide act?

      Your Answer: Opioid receptors


      Loperamide inhibits acetylcholine release from the myenteric plexus acts by action on opioid mu-receptors, and this then reduces bowel motility. The intestinal transit time is increased, thereby facilitating water reabsorption.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 21 - Which of the following cell types in the stomach secretes histamine? ...


    • Which of the following cell types in the stomach secretes histamine?

      Your Answer: Enterochromaffin-like cells


      The parietal cells operate in close association with another type of cell called enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL cells), the primary function of which is to secrete histamine. The ECL cells lie in the deep recesses of the oxyntic glands and therefore release histamine indirect contact with the parietal cells of the glands.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 22 - Pancreatic ductal alkaline fluid secretion is mainly stimulated by which of the following hormones:...


    • Pancreatic ductal alkaline fluid secretion is mainly stimulated by which of the following hormones:

      Your Answer: Cholecystokinin

      Correct Answer: Secretin


      Pancreatic exocrine secretion is controlled by:
      Parasympathetic stimulation which enhances secretion of both the enzyme and aqueous components
      Sympathetic stimulation which inhibits pancreatic secretion
      Secretin which stimulates secretion of the alkaline-rich fluid from ductal cells
      Cholecystokinin which stimulates secretion of the enzyme-rich fluid from acinar cellsSomatostatin which inhibits secretion from both acinar and ductal cells
      Gastrin which stimulates pancreatic acinar cells to secrete digestive enzymes

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 23 - Regarding carbohydrate, which of the following statements is INCORRECT: ...


    • Regarding carbohydrate, which of the following statements is INCORRECT:

      Your Answer: Most dietary carbohydrate is in the form of disaccharides.


      Carbohydrates are the main energy source of most diets. They provide 17 kJ (4 kcal) of energy per gram. Most dietary carbohydrate is in the form of polysaccharides. The principal ingested polysaccharides are starch which is derived from plant sources and glycogen which is derived from animal sources. Dietary fibre consists of indigestible carbohydrate (found in plant foods) such as cellulose, lignin and pectin.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 24 - Regarding protein digestion, which of the following statements is CORRECT: ...


    • Regarding protein digestion, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

      Your Answer: The pancreatic proteases, trypsin and chymotrypsin, hydrolyse polypeptides to small peptides and amino acids.

      Correct Answer: Oligopeptides are broken down into small peptides and amino acids by pancreatic carboxypeptidases and aminopeptidases located on the brush border.


      Digestion of dietary protein begins in the stomach where pepsin hydrolyses protein to polypeptides, and continues in the duodenum where pancreatic proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin) continue the process of hydrolysis forming oligopeptides. These are further broken down into small peptides and amino acids by pancreatic carboxypeptidases and aminopeptidases located on luminal membrane epithelial cells. Free amino acids are absorbed across the apical membrane by secondary active transport coupled with Na+transport into the cell. Amino acids cross the basal membrane into the capillaries by facilitated diffusion.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 25 - Gastric emptying is inhibited by all of the following EXCEPT for: ...


    • Gastric emptying is inhibited by all of the following EXCEPT for:

      Your Answer: Cholecystokinin

      Correct Answer: Parasympathetic stimulation


      Gastric emptying is decreased by:
      Enterogastric inhibitory reflexes stimulated by – Distension of the duodenum, The presence of fats in the duodenum (by stimulating release of cholecystokinin), A fall in the pH of chyme in the duodenum, An increase in the osmolality of chyme in the duodenum, Irritation of the mucosal lining of the duodenum, Hormones: Cholecystokinin, Secretin

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 26 - Which of the following vitamins is not paired correctly with its deficiency syndrome:...


    • Which of the following vitamins is not paired correctly with its deficiency syndrome:

      Your Answer: Vitamin B12 - Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome


      Clinical Effects of vitamin deficiency include:
      Vitamin C – Scurvy
      Thiamine (Vitamin B1) – Beriberi/Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
      Vitamin B12 – Megaloblastic anaemia/Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord
      Folate – Megaloblastic anaemia
      Vitamin D – Osteomalacia/Rickets
      Vitamin K – Defective clotting
      Vitamin A – Blindness

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 27 - Gastrin release from antral G-cells is inhibited by all but which one of...


    • Gastrin release from antral G-cells is inhibited by all but which one of the following:

      Your Answer: Somatostatin

      Correct Answer: Vagal stimulation


      Gastrin secretion is inhibited by:
      Low gastric pH (negative feedback mechanism)
      Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP)

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 28 - Which of the following lifestyle changes is not likely to improve symptoms of...


    • Which of the following lifestyle changes is not likely to improve symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD):

      Your Answer: Lowering the head of the bed


      The following approaches have some benefit in adult patients with reflux:

      Weight loss or weight management for individuals who are overweight
      Head of bed elevation is important for individuals with nocturnal or laryngeal symptoms, but its value for other situations is unclear.
      The following lifestyle approaches also are used frequently. There is some evidence that these lifestyle changes improve laboratory measures of reflux (such as lower oesophageal sphincter pressure).
      Dietary modification – A practical approach is to avoid a core group of reflux-inducing foods, including chocolate, peppermint, and alcohol, which may reduce lower oesophageal sphincter pressure. Acidic beverages, including colas with caffeine and orange juice also may exacerbate symptoms.
      Avoiding the supine position soon after eating.
      Promotion of salivation by either chewing gum or using oral lozenges. Salivation neutralizes refluxed acid, thereby increasing the rate of oesophageal acid clearance.
      Avoidance of tobacco (including passive exposure to tobacco smoke) and alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol reduce lower oesophageal sphincter pressure, and smoking also diminishes salivation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 29 - Regarding fat digestion, which of the following statements is CORRECT: ...


    • Regarding fat digestion, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

      Your Answer: Chylomicrons are exocytosed from enterocytes to enter lacteals and thus the lymphatic system.


      Dietary fat is chiefly composed of triglycerides (esters of free fatty acids and glycerol which may be saturated or unsaturated). The essential fatty acids are linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid, which cannot be manufactured in the body. Dietary fat provides 37 kJ (9 kcal) of energy per gram. Fats are digested almost entirely in the small intestine and are only released from the stomach into the duodenum at the rate at which they can be digested.
      Pancreatic lipase is the most significant enzyme for fat digestion. In the duodenum fat is emulsified by bile acids, a process where larger lipid droplets are broken down into much smaller droplets providing a greater surface area for enzymatic digestion. Micelles are arranged so that hydrophobic lipid molecules lie in the centre, surrounded by bile acids arranged such the outer region is hydrophilic. Dietary and synthesised lipids are incorporated into chylomicrons in the Golgi body, which are exocytosed from the basolateral membrane to enter lacteals and thus the lymphatic system.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology
  • Question 30 - Regarding fat digestion, which of the following statements is CORRECT: ...


    • Regarding fat digestion, which of the following statements is CORRECT:

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Chylomicrons consist of a cholesterol and triglyceride core with a phospholipid coat studded with apolipoproteins.


      Dietary fat is chiefly composed of triglycerides. In the duodenum fat is emulsified by bile acids, a process where larger lipid droplets are broken down into much smaller droplets providing a greater surface area for enzymatic digestion. Once inside the epithelial cell, lipid is taken into the smooth endoplasmic reticulum where much of it is re esterified. Dietary and synthesised lipids are then incorporated into chylomicrons in the Golgi body, which are exocytosed from the basolateral membrane to enter lacteals. Chylomicrons consist mainly of triglyceride with small amounts of cholesterol and cholesteryl esters in the centre with a phospholipid coat studded with apolipoproteins. Fat-soluble are absorbed into enterocytes from micelles by simple diffusion together with the products of fat digestion.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal
      • Physiology


Gastrointestinal (20/29) 69%
Pharmacology (5/5) 100%
Physiology (15/24) 63%