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  • Question 1 - A cerebellar tremor can be differentiated from a Parkinsonian tremor in that: ...


    • A cerebellar tremor can be differentiated from a Parkinsonian tremor in that:

      Your Answer: It is present at rest

      Correct Answer: It only occurs during voluntary movements


      Cerebellar disease leads to intention tremors, which is absent at rest and appears at the onset of voluntary movements. In comparison, Parkinson’s tremor is present at rest. Frequency of tremor is a less reliable means to differentiate between the two as the oscillation amplitude of the tremor is not constant throughout a voluntary action.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurology
      • Physiology
  • Question 2 - A 25-year-old female had a painful abdomen and several episodes of vomiting. She...


    • A 25-year-old female had a painful abdomen and several episodes of vomiting. She was severely dehydrated when she was brought to the hospital. Her ABG showed a pH 7.7, p(O2) 75 mmHg, p(CO2) 46 mmHg and bicarbonate 48 mmol/l. The most likely interpretation of this ABG report would be:

      Your Answer: Metabolic alkalosis


      Metabolic alkalosis is a primary increase in bicarbonate (HCO3−) with or without compensatory increase in carbon dioxide partial pressure (Pco2); pH may be high or nearly normal. Metabolic alkalosis occurs as a consequence of a loss of H+ from the body or a gain in HCO3 -. In its pure form, it manifests as alkalemia (pH >7.40). As a compensatory mechanism, metabolic alkalosis leads to alveolar hypoventilation with a rise in arterial carbon dioxide tension p(CO2), which diminishes the change in pH that would otherwise occur. Normally, arterial p(CO2) increases by 0.5–0.7 mmHg for every 1 mmol/l increase in plasma bicarbonate concentration, a compensatory response that occurs very rapidly. If the change in p(CO2) is not within this range, then a mixed acid–base disturbance occurs. Likewise, if the increase in p(CO2) is less than the expected change, then a primary respiratory alkalosis is also present. However an elevated serum bicarbonate concentration can also occur due to a compensatory response to primary respiratory acidosis. A bicarbonate concentration greater than 35 mmol/l is almost always caused by metabolic alkalosis (as is the case in this clinical scenario). Calculation of the serum anion gap can also help to differentiate between primary metabolic alkalosis and the metabolic compensation for respiratory acidosis. The anion gap is frequently elevated to a modest degree in metabolic alkalosis because of the increase in the negative charge of albumin and the enhanced production of lactate. However, the only definitive way to diagnose metabolic alkalosis is by performing a simultaneous blood gases analysis, which reveals elevation of both pH and arterial p(CO2) and increased calculated bicarbonate.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Fluids & Electrolytes
      • Pathology
  • Question 3 - In the human body, veins often run a course parallel to the artery...


    • In the human body, veins often run a course parallel to the artery that has the same name. Which of the following listed veins doesn't run parallel to the artery of the same name?

      Your Answer: Superior epigastric

      Correct Answer: Inferior mesenteric


      The inferior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric vein don’t run in tandem because the vein is part of the portal venous system-draining into the splenic vein which drains into the hepatic portal vein. The inferior mesenteric artery is a branch of the descending aorta at the level of L3. The inferior mesenteric vein and artery, however, drain the same region i.e. the descending and sigmoid colon and rectum.

      Superior epigastric vessels course together and are the continuation of the internal thoracic artery and vein.

      Superficial circumflex iliac vessels course together in the superficial fat of the abdominal wall.

      Superior rectal vessels are the terminal ends of the inferior mesenteric vessels, located on the posterior surface of the rectum.

      The ileocolic artery and vein are branches off the superior mesenteric vessels. Both course in the mesentery, supplying/draining the caecum, appendix, terminal portion of the ileum. The inferior epigastric vessels run together.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 4 - A 60 year old patient with a history of carcinoma of the head...


    • A 60 year old patient with a history of carcinoma of the head of the pancreas, and obstructive jaundice presents with a spontaneous nose bleed and easy bruising. What is the most likely reason for this?

      Your Answer: Vitamin-K-dependent clotting factors deficiency


      Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin requiring fat metabolism to function properly to allow for its absorption. People with obstructive jaundice develop vitamin k deficiency as fat digestion is impaired. Vit K causes carboxylation of glutamate residue and hence regulates blood coagulation including: prothrombin (factor II), factors VII, IX, X, protein C, protein S and protein Z.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General
      • Physiology
  • Question 5 - A 58-year-old woman has had a headache, fever, lethargy and nausea for the...


    • A 58-year-old woman has had a headache, fever, lethargy and nausea for the last 10 days. He undergoes a CT scan which reveals a lesion in his frontal lobe, which, after a biopsy, is found to be formed by granulation tissue with collagenisation, gliosis and oedema. What's the most likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Chronic brain abscess


      A cerebral abscess can result from direct extension of cranial infections, penetrating head trauma, haematogenous spread, or for unknown causes. An abscess forms when an area of cerebral inflammation becomes necrotic and encapsulated by glial cells and fibroblasts. Oedema around the abscess can increase the intracranial pressure. Symptoms result from increased intracranial pressure and mass effects. In a CT scan, an abscess appears as an oedematous mass with ring enhancement.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurology
      • Pathology
  • Question 6 - What is the reason for a deranged thrombin clotting time? ...


    • What is the reason for a deranged thrombin clotting time?

      Your Answer: Warfarin therapy

      Correct Answer: Heparin therapy


      Thrombic clotting time is also known as thrombin time. It is clinically performed to determine the therapeutic levels of heparin. After plasma is isolated from the blood, bovine thrombin is added to it and the time it takes from the addition to clot is recorded. The reference interval is usually <21s. deranged results are indicative of heparin therapy, hypofibrinogenemia, hyperfibrinogenaemia or lupus anticoagulant.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General
      • Physiology
  • Question 7 - Which type of thyroid tumour represents 75 - 80% of thyroid cancer cases?...


    • Which type of thyroid tumour represents 75 - 80% of thyroid cancer cases? This type is predominant in children and in patients who have had a previous history of head or neck radiation.

      Your Answer: Papillary carcinoma


      Papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common thyroid cancer. This cancer has a high cure rate with 10-year survival rates for all patients with papillary thyroid cancer estimated at 80% to 90%.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neoplasia
      • Pathology
  • Question 8 - A 34-year-old Asian male presents with cervical lymphadenopathy. The patient is suspected to...


    • A 34-year-old Asian male presents with cervical lymphadenopathy. The patient is suspected to have tuberculous lymphadenopathy. Excision biopsy of one of the nodes showed granulomatous inflammation. Which histopathologic feature is most likely consistent with the diagnosis of tuberculosis?

      Your Answer: Liquefactive necrosis

      Correct Answer: Caseation necrosis


      The granulomas of tuberculosis tend to contain necrosis (caseating tubercles), but non-necrotizing granulomas may also be present. Multinucleated giant cells with nuclei arranged like a horseshoe (Langhans giant cells) and foreign body giant cells are often present, but are not specific for tuberculosis. A definitive diagnosis of tuberculosis requires identification of the causative organism by microbiological cultures.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Microbiology
      • Pathology
  • Question 9 - A 39-year-old man, after radiological evaluation and thoracentesis, was found to have chylothorax....


    • A 39-year-old man, after radiological evaluation and thoracentesis, was found to have chylothorax. What is the most probable cause of this diagnose?

      Your Answer: Congestive heart failure

      Correct Answer: Mediastinal malignant lymphoma


      Chylothorax is a potentially lethal condition characterized by fluid (chyle) accumulation in the pleural cavity, resulting from disruption of lymphatic drainage in the thoracic duct. Chyle is a fluid rich in triglycerides and chylomicrons and can originate from the thorax, the abdomen or both. Malignant tumours, especially lymphoma, are the most common causes of nontraumatic chylothorax. Bronchogenic carcinoma and trauma are the most common causes after lymphomas. Other rare causes of chylothorax are; granulomatous diseases, tuberculosis, congenital malformations, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, decompensated heart failure and idiopathic chylothorax.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pathology
      • Respiratory
  • Question 10 - Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a medical condition that occurs in critically...


    • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a medical condition that occurs in critically ill patients, and can be triggered by events such as trauma and sepsis. Which of the following variables is most likely to be lower than normal in a patient with ARDS?

      Your Answer: Lung compliance


      Acute (or Adult) respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a medical condition occurring in critically ill patients characterized by widespread inflammation in the lungs. The development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) starts with damage to the alveolar epithelium and vascular endothelium, resulting in increased permeability to plasma and inflammatory cells. These cells pass into the interstitium and alveolar space, resulting in pulmonary oedema. Damage to the surfactant-producing type II cells and the presence of protein-rich fluid in the alveolar space disrupt the production and function of pulmonary surfactant, leading to micro atelectasis and impaired gas exchange. The pathophysiological consequences of lung oedema in ARDS include a decrease in lung volumes, compliance and large intrapulmonary shunts. ARDS may be seen in the setting of pneumonia, sepsis, following trauma, multiple blood transfusions, severe burns, severe pancreatitis, near-drowning, drug reactions, or inhalation injuries.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Physiology
      • Respiratory
  • Question 11 - A 90-year-old man is prescribed spironolactone after his family notices his legs are...


    • A 90-year-old man is prescribed spironolactone after his family notices his legs are swollen. What class of drugs does spironolactone belong to?

      Your Answer: Potassium-sparing diuretics


      Spironolactone is a renal competitive aldosterone antagonist in a class of drugs called ‘potassium-sparing diuretics’, that is primarily used to treat fluid build-up due to heart failure, liver scarring, or kidney disease. It is also used in the treatment of high blood pressure, low blood potassium, early-onset puberty, and acne and excessive hair growth in women. Spironolactone inhibits the effect of aldosterone by competing for intracellular aldosterone receptors in the distal tubule cells. This increases the secretion of water and sodium, while decreasing the excretion of potassium.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pathology
      • Pharmacology
  • Question 12 - A teacher had varicosities in the region of the small saphenous vein. Which...


    • A teacher had varicosities in the region of the small saphenous vein. Which of the following is true about that vein?

      Your Answer: Has nine to twelve valves


      It is known that the small saphenous vein has nine to twelve valves along its course. This vein begins as a direct continuation of the lateral marginal vein posterior to the lateral malleolus. It is superficially situated but closer to its termination, perforates the deep fascia in the lower part of the popliteal fossa to end in the popliteal vein.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Lower Limb
  • Question 13 - A 40 year old woman, who is under anaesthesia for an elective procedure,...


    • A 40 year old woman, who is under anaesthesia for an elective procedure, received an antibiotic injection. She immediately developed a rash and her airway constricted raising the airway pressure. Which mechanism is responsible for this reaction?

      Your Answer: Type IV hypersensitivity

      Correct Answer: Type I hypersensitivity


      Type I hypersensitivity reaction is an immediate reaction that occurs due to binding of the antigen with antibodies attached to mast cells in a previously sensitized person. It has an immediate phase, which is characterised by vasodilation, leakage of plasma, smooth muscle spasm, or glandular secretions. This manifests in about 5-30 min and usually resolves within 60 mins. The delayed phase follows after 24 hours and can persist up to several days. It is due to infiltration of eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils and CD4+ cells and leads to tissue destruction. The nature of the reaction varies according to the site. It can take the form of skin allergy, hives, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma or food allergy.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 14 - A 70-year old man who is suspected to have a perforated colonic diverticulum...


    • A 70-year old man who is suspected to have a perforated colonic diverticulum is explored in theatre through a midline incision. This incision will be through the:

      Your Answer: Linea alba


      The linea alba is the point where this incision was made. It is a tendinous raphe in the midline of the abdomen extending between the xiphoid process and the symphysis pubis. It is placed between the medial borders of the recti and is formed by the blending of the aponeuroses of the external and internal obliques and transversi.

      The linea aspera is a vertical ridge on the posterior surface of the femur.

      The arcuate line is the inferior border of the posterior rectus sheath behind the rectus abdominis muscle.

      The semilunar line is the lateral margin of the rectus abdominis.

      The iliopectineal line is a line on the pelvic bones formed by the arcuate line of the ilium and the pectineal line of the pubis.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 15 - Post-total gastrectomy, there will be a decreased production of which of the following...


    • Post-total gastrectomy, there will be a decreased production of which of the following enzymes?

      Your Answer: Trypsin

      Correct Answer: Pepsin


      Pepsin is a protease that is released from the gastric chief cells and acts to degrade proteins into peptides. Released as pepsinogen, it is activated by hydrochloric acid and into pepsin itself. Gastrin and the vagus nerve trigger the release of pepsinogen and HCl when a meal is ingested. Pepsin functions optimally in an acidic environment, especially at a pH of 2.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastroenterology
      • Physiology
  • Question 16 - A 24-year old patient diagnosed with a direct inguinal hernia was scheduled for...


    • A 24-year old patient diagnosed with a direct inguinal hernia was scheduled for surgery to have the hernia repaired. The hernia was discovered to be protruding through the Hesselbach's triangle (inguinal triangle). Which of the following blood vessels that is a branch of the external iliac artery forms the lateral border of this triangle?

      Your Answer: Inferior epigastric


      The inguinal triangle is formed by the following structures; inguinal ligament at the base; inferior epigastric vessels laterally and the lateral border of the rectus sheath medially. This triangle (also known as Hesselebach’s triangle) is where direct inguinal hernias protrude. The inferior epigastric artery is this the branch of the external iliac artery being referred to. All the other blood vessels are branches of the internal iliac artery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Pelvis
  • Question 17 - Hormones of the anterior pituitary include which of the following? ...


    • Hormones of the anterior pituitary include which of the following?

      Your Answer: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

      Correct Answer: Prolactin


      The anterior pituitary gland (adenohypophysis or pars distalis) synthesizes and secretes:

      1. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)

      2. LH (luteinizing hormone)

      3. Growth hormone

      4. Prolactin

      5. ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)

      6. TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone).

      The posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophysis) stores and secretes 2 hormones produced by the hypothalamus:

      1. ADH (antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin)

      2. Oxytocin

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Endocrine
      • Physiology
  • Question 18 - The specimen sent to the pathologist for examination was found to be benign....


    • The specimen sent to the pathologist for examination was found to be benign. Which one of the following is most likely a benign tumour?

      Your Answer: Haematoma

      Correct Answer: Warthin’s tumour


      Warthin’s tumour is also known as papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum. It is a benign cystic tumour of the salivary glands containing abundant lymphocytes and germinal centres. It has a slightly higher incidence in males and most likely occur in older adults aged between 60 to 70 years. This tumour is also associated with smoking. Smokers have an eight-fold greater risk in developing the tumour compared to non-smokers.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neoplasia
      • Pathology
  • Question 19 - Langhans giant cells are characteristically seen in which type of inflammation? ...


    • Langhans giant cells are characteristically seen in which type of inflammation?

      Your Answer: Suppurative inflammation

      Correct Answer: Granulomatous inflammation


      Langhans giant cells are characteristically seen in granulomatous inflammation. They form when epithelioid cells fuse together. They usually contain a nuclei with a horseshoe-shaped pattern in the periphery of the cell.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 20 - Which ectopic tissue is usually contained in the Meckel's diverticulum? ...


    • Which ectopic tissue is usually contained in the Meckel's diverticulum?

      Your Answer: Oesophageal

      Correct Answer: Gastric


      The Meckel’s diverticulum is a vestigial remnant of the omphalomesenteric duct. This structure is also referred to as the vitelline and contains two types of ectopic tissue, namely; gastric and pancreatic.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Embryology
  • Question 21 - Which of the following diseases affects young adults, causing pain in any bone...


    • Which of the following diseases affects young adults, causing pain in any bone -particularly long bones- which worsens at night, and is typically relieved by common analgesics, such as aspirin?

      Your Answer: Chondrosarcoma

      Correct Answer: Osteoid osteoma


      Osteoid osteoma, which tends to affect young adults, can occur in any bone but is most common in long bones. It can cause pain (usually worse at night) that is typically relieved by mild analgesics, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. X-ray findings include a small radiolucent zone surrounded by a larger sclerotic zone.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Orthopaedics
      • Pathology
  • Question 22 - The otic ganglion receives its preganglionic sympathetic fibres from which of the following...


    • The otic ganglion receives its preganglionic sympathetic fibres from which of the following nerves?

      Your Answer: Optic nerve

      Correct Answer: Glossopharyngeal nerve


      The otic ganglion is a small (2–3 mm), oval shaped, flattened parasympathetic ganglion of a reddish-grey colour, located immediately below the foramen ovale in the infratemporal fossa and on the medial surface of the mandibular nerve. The preganglionic parasympathetic fibres originate in the inferior salivatory nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve. They leave the glossopharyngeal nerve by its tympanic branch and then pass via the tympanic plexus and the lesser petrosal nerve to the otic ganglion. Here, the fibres synapse, and the postganglionic fibres pass by communicating branches to the auriculotemporal nerve, which conveys them to the parotid gland. They produce vasodilator and secretomotor effects.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 23 - A 35 year old patient presenting with haematemesis, heart burn and bloody stool...


    • A 35 year old patient presenting with haematemesis, heart burn and bloody stool was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer that had eroded the gastroduodenal artery. The patient was then rushed into theatre for an emergency procedure to control the haemorrhage. If the surgeon decided to ligate the gastroduodenal artery at its origin, which of the following arteries would most likely experience retrograde blood flow from collateral sources as a result of the ligation?

      Your Answer: Left gastric

      Correct Answer: Right gastroepiploic


      In the stomach and around the duodenum, there are many arterial anastomoses. Ligation of the gastroduodenal artery would result in the retrograde flow of blood from the left gastroepiploic artery to the right gastroepiploic artery. The blood flows into the right gastroepiploic artery, a branch of the gastroduodenal artery from the left gastroepiploic artery that branches from the splenic artery. This retrograde blood flow is aimed at providing alternate blood flow to the greater curvature of the stomach.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 24 - The optic foramen, superior orbital fissure, foramen ovale, foramen rotundum and foramen sinosum...


    • The optic foramen, superior orbital fissure, foramen ovale, foramen rotundum and foramen sinosum are all located on which bone at the base of the skull?

      Your Answer: Sphenoid


      The sphenoid bone consists of two parts, a central part and two wing-like structures that extend sideways towards each side of the skull. It forms the base of the skull, and floor and sides of the orbit. On its central part lies the optic foramen. The foramen ovale, foramen spinosum and foramen rotundum lie on its great wing while the superior orbital fissure lies on its lesser wing.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 25 - A 15-day old baby was brought to the emergency department with constipation for...


    • A 15-day old baby was brought to the emergency department with constipation for 4 days. On examination, the abdomen of the baby was found to be distended and tender all over. No bowel sounds were heard. A sigmoid colon biopsy was carried out, which showed absent ganglion cells. What is the diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Hirschsprung’s disease


      Hirschsprung’s disease is characterized by congenital absence of the autonomic plexus (Meissner’s and Auerbach’s plexus) in the intestinal wall. Usually limited to the distal colon, it can occasionally involve the entire colon or even the small bowel. There is abnormal or absent peristalsis in the affected segment, resulting in continuous spasm of smooth muscle and partial/complete obstruction. This causes accumulation of intestinal contents and dilatation of proximal segment. Skip lesions are highly uncommon. This disease is seen early in life with 15% patients presenting in first month, 60% by 1 year of age and 85% by the age of 4 years. Symptoms include severe and complete constipation, abdominal distension and vomiting. Patients with involvement of ultra-short segments might have mild constipation with intervening diarrhoea. In older children, symptoms include failure to thrive, anorexia, and lack of an urge to defecate. On examination, an empty rectum is revealed with stool palpable high up in the colon. If not diagnosed in time, it can lead to Hirschsprung’s enterocolitis (toxic megacolon), which can be fulminant and lead to death. Diagnosis involves a barium enema or a rectal suction biopsy. Barium enema shows a transition in diameter between the dilated, normal colon proximal to the narrowed, affected distal segment. It is to be noted that barium enema should be done without prior preparation, which can dilate the abnormal segment, leading to a false-negative result. A 24-hour post-evacuation film can be obtained in the neonatal period – if the colon is still filled with barium, there is a high likelihood of Hirschsprung’s disease. Full-thickness rectal biopsy is diagnostic by showing the absence of ganglion cells. Acetylcholinesterase staining can be done to highlight the enlarged nerve trunks. Abnormal innervation can also be demonstrated by rectal manometry.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal; Hepatobiliary
      • Pathology
  • Question 26 - A 35-year-old woman in her 37th week of pregnancy complains of urinary incontinence....


    • A 35-year-old woman in her 37th week of pregnancy complains of urinary incontinence. She is most likely to have:

      Your Answer: Stress incontinence


      Urinary incontinence is the involuntary excretion of urine from one’s body. It is often temporary and it almost always results from an underlying medical condition. Several types include:

      – Stress incontinence is the voiding of urine following increased abdominal pressure e.g. laughing, coughing, pregnancy etc. It is the most common form of incontinence in women, most commonly due to pelvic floor muscle weakness, physical changes from pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. In men it is a common problem following a prostatectomy. Most lab results such as urine analysis, cystometry and postvoid residual volume are normal.

      – Urge incontinence is involuntary loss of urine occurring for no apparent reason while suddenly feeling the need or urge to urinate. The most common cause of urge incontinence are involuntary and inappropriate detrusor muscle contractions.

      – Functional incontinence – occurs when a person does not recognise the need to go to the toilet, recognise where the toilet is or get to the toilet in time. The urine loss may be large. Causes of functional incontinence include confusion, dementia, poor eyesight, poor mobility, poor dexterity or unwillingness. t

      – Overflow incontinence – sometimes people find that they cannot stop their bladders from constantly dribbling or continuing to dribble for some time after they have passed urine.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Physiology
      • Renal
  • Question 27 - A 34-year old gentleman presented with acute pancreatitis to the emergency department. On...


    • A 34-year old gentleman presented with acute pancreatitis to the emergency department. On enquiry, there was found to be a history of recurrent pancreatitis, eruptive xanthomas and raised plasma triglyceride levels associated with chylomicrons. Which of the following will be found deficient in this patient?

      Your Answer: HMG-CoA reductase

      Correct Answer: Lipoprotein lipase


      The clinical features mentioned here suggest the diagnosis of hypertriglyceridemia due to lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency. LPL aids in hydrolysing the lipids in lipoproteins into free fatty acids and glycerol. Apo-CII acts as a co-factor. Deficiency of this enzyme leads to hypertriglyceridemia.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastroenterology
      • Physiology
  • Question 28 - A young girl who presented with a clinical picture of type I hypersensitivity...


    • A young girl who presented with a clinical picture of type I hypersensitivity reaction with eosinophilia is most likely to have?

      Your Answer: Dust inhalation

      Correct Answer: Liver flukes


      Usually a parasitic infection will be associated with a type I hypersensitivity reaction.

      Amyloid deposition will not cause an immune reaction.

      Organic dust will lead to a type III hypersensitivity reaction.

      Cell mediated as well as humoral immune mechanism play a part in syphilis, but they are do not specifically cause a type I reaction.

      Malaria is cause by plasmodium and is not cause of a hypersensitivity reaction.

      Atopic dermatitis will not be accompanied by eosinophilia.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 29 - A week after a renal transplant the patient received antilymphocyte globulins. Shortly after...


    • A week after a renal transplant the patient received antilymphocyte globulins. Shortly after she developed fever and hypotension. Which of the following mechanisms is involved in this response?

      Your Answer: Type I hypersensitivity

      Correct Answer: Type III hypersensitivity


      Type III hypersensitivity is characterized by soluble immune complexes which are aggregations of IgG and IgM antibodies with antigens that deposit in different tissues e.g. the skin, joints, kidneys. They can then trigger an immune response by activating the complement cascade. This reaction can take hours to develop and examples include: immuno-complex glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, subacute bacterial endocarditis, arthus reaction and serum sickness.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 30 - In the emergency room, a nurse was introducing a catheter into the patients...


    • In the emergency room, a nurse was introducing a catheter into the patients femoral vein for rapid fluid therapy. The femoral vein is situated inside the femoral sheath. Which of the following is true about that sheath?

      Your Answer: The lateral compartment of the femoral sheath contains the femoral vein

      Correct Answer: The medial compartment is called the femoral canal


      The femoral sheath is situated ,4cm below the inguinal ligament. It is a prolongation of the abdominal fascia. The anterior wall is a prolongation of the transversalis fascia and the posterior wall, the iliac fascia. It is divided by two vertical septa into 3 compartments, lateral, intermediate, and medial. The medial compartment is known as the femoral canal and contains some lymphatic vessels. The lateral one contains the femoral artery and the intermediate one contains the femoral vein.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Lower Limb


Neurology (1/2) 50%
Physiology (3/8) 38%
Fluids & Electrolytes (1/1) 100%
Pathology (5/13) 38%
Abdomen (1/3) 33%
Anatomy (4/9) 44%
General (1/2) 50%
Neoplasia (1/2) 50%
Microbiology (0/1) 0%
Respiratory (1/2) 50%
Pharmacology (1/1) 100%
Lower Limb (1/2) 50%
Inflammation & Immunology (0/4) 0%
Gastroenterology (0/2) 0%
Pelvis (1/1) 100%
Endocrine (0/1) 0%
Embryology (0/1) 0%
Orthopaedics (0/1) 0%
Head & Neck (1/2) 50%
Gastrointestinal; Hepatobiliary (1/1) 100%
Renal (1/1) 100%