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  • Question 1 - What hormone is secreted by the gastrointestinal tract and has a significant impact...


    • What hormone is secreted by the gastrointestinal tract and has a significant impact on digestion and feelings of fullness?

      Your Answer: Cholecystokinin


      Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a hormone produced and released by the duodenum that stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and bile, while also acting as an appetite suppressant. corticotropin releasing hormone is secreted by the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and triggers the release of ACTH from the pituitary gland. Met- and Leu- encephalin are peptides that play a role in pain modulation. α-endorphin is one of several endorphins that can inhibit pain and induce a feeling of euphoria.

      Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16246215

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences
  • Question 2 - What neuroimaging result is typically seen in individuals diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder?...


    • What neuroimaging result is typically seen in individuals diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder?

      Your Answer: Hypermetabolism of orbitofrontal area


      This question is a common one, but it is worded in various ways each time.

      Neuroimaging Findings in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

      Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Neuroimaging studies have been conducted to investigate the underlying neural mechanisms of OCD. Two commonly used techniques are 18 Fluorodeoxyglucose PET (FDG-PET) and Technetium-99m (99mTc)-hexamethylpropyleneamine-oxime SPECT (HMPAO-SPECT).

      Studies using FDG-PET have reported increased glucose metabolism in several brain regions among OCD patients, including the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), caudate, thalamus, prefrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate. These regions are involved in cognitive and emotional processing, decision-making, and motor control. The increased activity in these regions may contribute to the symptoms of OCD, such as repetitive behaviors and difficulty controlling intrusive thoughts.

      On the other hand, studies using HMPAO-SPECT have found both increased and decreased blood flow to various brain regions in OCD patients compared to normal controls. These regions include the OFC, caudate, various areas of the cortex, and thalamus. The inconsistent findings may be due to differences in the severity and subtype of OCD, as well as the specific task of stimulus used in the imaging studies.

      Overall, neuroimaging studies have provided valuable insights into the neural mechanisms of OCD. However, further research is needed to better understand the complex interactions between different brain regions and how they contribute to the development and maintenance of OCD symptoms.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 3 - In what type of epilepsy is it most common to experience an aura?...


    • In what type of epilepsy is it most common to experience an aura?

      Your Answer: Temporal lobe


      This question is presented in two variations on the exam, with one implying that auras are primarily linked to temporal lobe epilepsy and the other to complex partial seizures. In reality, partial seizures are most commonly associated with auras compared to other types of seizures. While partial seizures can originate in any lobe of the brain, those that arise in the temporal lobe are most likely to produce an aura. Therefore, both versions of the question are accurate.

      Epilepsy and Aura

      An aura is a subjective sensation that is a type of simple partial seizure. It typically lasts only a few seconds and can help identify the site of cortical onset. There are eight recognized types of auras, including somatosensory, visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, autonomic, abdominal, and psychic.

      In about 80% of cases, auras precede temporal lobe seizures. The most common auras in these seizures are abdominal and psychic, which can cause a rising epigastric sensation of feelings of fear, déjà vu, of jamais vu. Parietal lobe seizures may begin with a contralateral sensation, usually of the positive type, such as an electrical sensation of tingling. Occipital lobe seizures may begin with contralateral visual changes, such as colored lines, spots, of shapes, of even a loss of vision. Temporal-parietal-occipital seizures may produce more formed auras.

      Complex partial seizures are defined by impairment of consciousness, which means decreased responsiveness and awareness of oneself and surroundings. During a complex partial seizure, a patient is unresponsive and does not remember events that occurred.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 4 - Which of the following is categorized as a projection tract in relation to...


    • Which of the following is categorized as a projection tract in relation to white matter?

      Your Answer: Anterior commissure

      Correct Answer: Geniculocalcarine tract


      White matter is the cabling that links different parts of the CNS together. There are three types of white matter cables: projection tracts, commissural tracts, and association tracts. Projection tracts connect higher centers of the brain with lower centers, commissural tracts connect the two hemispheres together, and association tracts connect regions of the same hemisphere. Some common tracts include the corticospinal tract, which connects the motor cortex to the brainstem and spinal cord, and the corpus callosum, which is the largest white matter fiber bundle connecting corresponding areas of cortex between the hemispheres. Other tracts include the cingulum, superior and inferior occipitofrontal fasciculi, and the superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 5 - In which part of the body is the nucleus of Meynert situated? ...


    • In which part of the body is the nucleus of Meynert situated?

      Your Answer: Ventral tegmental area

      Correct Answer: Substantia innominata


      The nucleus of Meynert, located in the substantia innominata of the basal forebrain beneath the thalamus and lentiform nucleus, is a cluster of neurons that serves as the primary source of acetylcholine in the brain. In Alzheimer’s disease, the nucleus of Meynert undergoes atrophy, resulting in a decrease in acetylcholine levels. This explains why cholinesterase inhibitors, which increase acetylcholine levels, are effective in treating Alzheimer’s.

      Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by both macroscopic and microscopic changes in the brain. Macroscopic changes include cortical atrophy, ventricular dilation, and depigmentation of the locus coeruleus. Microscopic changes include the presence of senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, gliosis, degeneration of the nucleus of Meynert, and Hirano bodies. Senile plaques are extracellular deposits of beta amyloid in the gray matter of the brain, while neurofibrillary tangles are intracellular inclusion bodies that consist primarily of hyperphosphorylated tau. Gliosis is marked by increases in activated microglia and reactive astrocytes near the sites of amyloid plaques. The nucleus of Meynert degenerates in Alzheimer’s, resulting in a decrease in acetylcholine in the brain. Hirano bodies are actin-rich, eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions which have a highly characteristic crystalloid fine structure and are regarded as a nonspecific manifestation of neuronal degeneration. These changes in the brain contribute to the cognitive decline and memory loss seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 6 - What is the cause of Balint's syndrome? ...


    • What is the cause of Balint's syndrome?

      Your Answer: Dominant occipital lobe dysfunction

      Correct Answer: Bilateral parieto-occipital lobe dysfunction


      Parietal Lobe Dysfunction: Types and Symptoms

      The parietal lobe is a part of the brain that plays a crucial role in processing sensory information and integrating it with other cognitive functions. Dysfunction in this area can lead to various symptoms, depending on the location and extent of the damage.

      Dominant parietal lobe dysfunction, often caused by a stroke, can result in Gerstmann’s syndrome, which includes finger agnosia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and right-left disorientation. Non-dominant parietal lobe dysfunction, on the other hand, can cause anosognosia, dressing apraxia, spatial neglect, and constructional apraxia.

      Bilateral damage to the parieto-occipital lobes, a rare condition, can lead to Balint’s syndrome, which is characterized by oculomotor apraxia, optic ataxia, and simultanagnosia. These symptoms can affect a person’s ability to shift gaze, interact with objects, and perceive multiple objects at once.

      In summary, parietal lobe dysfunction can manifest in various ways, and understanding the specific symptoms can help diagnose and treat the underlying condition.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 7 - A hoarse voice and difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) are symptoms of a lesion in...


    • A hoarse voice and difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) are symptoms of a lesion in which cranial nerve?

      Your Answer: Glossopharyngeal

      Correct Answer: Vagus


      Lesions of the vagus nerve commonly result in the following symptoms: a raspy of weak voice, difficulty swallowing, absence of the gag reflex, deviation of the uvula away from the affected side, and an inability to elevate the palate.

      Overview of Cranial Nerves and Their Functions

      The cranial nerves are a complex system of nerves that originate from the brain and control various functions of the head and neck. There are twelve cranial nerves, each with a specific function and origin. The following table provides a simplified overview of the cranial nerves, including their origin, skull exit, modality, and functions.

      The first cranial nerve, the olfactory nerve, originates from the telencephalon and exits through the cribriform plate. It is a sensory nerve that controls the sense of smell. The second cranial nerve, the optic nerve, originates from the diencephalon and exits through the optic foramen. It is a sensory nerve that controls vision.

      The third cranial nerve, the oculomotor nerve, originates from the midbrain and exits through the superior orbital fissure. It is a motor nerve that controls eye movement, pupillary constriction, and lens accommodation. The fourth cranial nerve, the trochlear nerve, also originates from the midbrain and exits through the superior orbital fissure. It is a motor nerve that controls eye movement.

      The fifth cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve, originates from the pons and exits through different foramina depending on the division. It is a mixed nerve that controls chewing and sensation of the anterior 2/3 of the scalp. It also tenses the tympanic membrane to dampen loud noises.

      The sixth cranial nerve, the abducens nerve, originates from the pons and exits through the superior orbital fissure. It is a motor nerve that controls eye movement. The seventh cranial nerve, the facial nerve, also originates from the pons and exits through the internal auditory canal. It is a mixed nerve that controls facial expression, taste of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, and tension on the stapes to dampen loud noises.

      The eighth cranial nerve, the vestibulocochlear nerve, originates from the pons and exits through the internal auditory canal. It is a sensory nerve that controls hearing. The ninth cranial nerve, the glossopharyngeal nerve, originates from the medulla and exits through the jugular foramen. It is a mixed nerve that controls taste of the posterior 1/3 of the tongue, elevation of the larynx and pharynx, and swallowing.

      The tenth cranial nerve, the vagus nerve, also originates from the medulla and exits through the jugular foramen. It is a mixed nerve that controls swallowing, voice production, and parasympathetic supply to nearly all thoracic and abdominal viscera. The eleventh cranial nerve, the accessory nerve, originates from the medulla and exits through the jugular foramen. It is a motor nerve that controls shoulder shrugging and head turning.

      The twelfth cranial nerve, the hypoglossal nerve, originates from the medulla and exits through the hypoglossal canal. It is a motor nerve that controls tongue movement. Overall, the cranial nerves play a crucial role in controlling various functions of the head and neck, and any damage of dysfunction can have significant consequences.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 8 - A 62-year-old man experiences a stroke caused by a ruptured berry aneurysm in...


    • A 62-year-old man experiences a stroke caused by a ruptured berry aneurysm in the middle cerebral artery. What is the most sensitive test to assess the affected lobe?

      Your Answer: Anosmia testing

      Correct Answer: Verbal fluency


      Frontal lobe damage can be best detected through tests of verbal fluency, such as the FAS Verbal Fluency Test, as the anterior cerebral artery supplies the frontal lobes and medial aspects of the parietal and occipital lobes, which are responsible for this function.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 9 - Which symptom is atypical for individuals with Kluver-Bucy syndrome? ...


    • Which symptom is atypical for individuals with Kluver-Bucy syndrome?

      Your Answer: Visual agnosia

      Correct Answer: Prosopagnosia


      Kluver-Bucy syndrome is a neurological disorder that results from dysfunction in both the right and left medial temporal lobes of the brain. This condition is characterized by a range of symptoms, including docility, altered dietary habits, hyperorality, and changes in sexual behavior. Additionally, individuals with Kluver-Bucy syndrome may experience visual agnosia, which is a condition that impairs their ability to recognize and interpret visual stimuli.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences
  • Question 10 - The pineal gland secretes which of the following? ...


    • The pineal gland secretes which of the following?

      Your Answer: Melatonin


      Melatonin: The Hormone of Darkness

      Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the pineal gland from serotonin. This hormone is known to be released in higher amounts during the night, especially in dark environments. Melatonin plays a crucial role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and is often referred to as the hormone of darkness.

      The production of melatonin is influenced by the amount of light that enters the eyes. When it is dark, the pineal gland releases more melatonin, which helps to promote sleep. On the other hand, when it is light, the production of melatonin is suppressed, which helps to keep us awake and alert.

      Melatonin is also known to have antioxidant properties and may help to protect the body against oxidative stress. It has been suggested that melatonin may have a role in the prevention of certain diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.

      Overall, melatonin is an important hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle and may have other health benefits as well.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 11 - What substance hinders the secretion of growth hormone in the brain? ...


    • What substance hinders the secretion of growth hormone in the brain?

      Your Answer: Ghrelin

      Correct Answer: Somatostatin


      Pancreatic Hormones: Functions and Production

      The pancreas serves as both an exocrine and endocrine gland. Its endocrine function involves the production of four distinct hormones from the islets of Langerhans. These hormones include somatostatin, insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, and glucagon. Somatostatin is also produced by the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, where it inhibits the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone and growth hormone from somatotroph cells.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 12 - A 45-year-old man presents with contralateral hemisensory loss and reports experiencing intense burning...


    • A 45-year-old man presents with contralateral hemisensory loss and reports experiencing intense burning pain in the affected region. What is the probable location of arterial blockage?

      Your Answer: Superior division of middle cerebral artery (dominant hemisphere)

      Correct Answer: Thalamogeniculate artery


      When a stroke affects the thalamus, it can cause loss of sensation on the opposite side of the body and intense burning pain that can be treated with tricyclics. This type of sensory loss is commonly seen in conditions that affect the brain stem, thalamus, of cortex. In addition, a stroke in the thalamogeniculate artery can result in temporary paralysis on the opposite side of the body, followed by ataxia, and involuntary movements. Facial expression may also be affected. Treatment for these patients is similar to that for other stroke patients.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 13 - What is the most accurate way to describe the speech of an individual...


    • What is the most accurate way to describe the speech of an individual with Broca's aphasia?

      Your Answer: Non fluent aphasia


      Broca’s aphasia is also known as non-fluent aphasia, while Wernicke’s aphasia is referred to as fluent aphasia.

      Broca’s and Wernicke’s are two types of expressive dysphasia, which is characterized by difficulty producing speech despite intact comprehension. Dysarthria is a type of expressive dysphasia caused by damage to the speech production apparatus, while Broca’s aphasia is caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for speech production, specifically Broca’s area located in Brodmann areas 44 and 45. On the other hand, Wernicke’s aphasia is a type of receptive of fluent aphasia caused by damage to the comprehension of speech, while the actual production of speech remains normal. Wernicke’s area is located in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus in the dominant hemisphere, within Brodmann area 22.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 14 - A 62-year-old man experiences a stroke caused by a ruptured berry aneurysm in...


    • A 62-year-old man experiences a stroke caused by a ruptured berry aneurysm in the middle cerebral artery, resulting in damage to the temporal lobe. What tests would you anticipate to show abnormalities?

      Your Answer: Copying intersecting pentagons


      When the parietal lobe is not functioning properly, it can cause constructional apraxia. This condition makes it difficult for individuals to replicate the intersecting pentagons, which is a common cognitive test included in Folstein’s mini-mental state examination.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 15 - What is the condition that occurs due to the deterioration of the caudate...


    • What is the condition that occurs due to the deterioration of the caudate nucleus?

      Your Answer: Huntington's


      The Basal Ganglia: Functions and Disorders

      The basal ganglia are a group of subcortical structures that play a crucial role in controlling movement and some cognitive processes. The components of the basal ganglia include the striatum (caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens), subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra (divided into pars compacta and pars reticulata). The putamen and globus pallidus are collectively referred to as the lenticular nucleus.

      The basal ganglia are connected in a complex loop, with the cortex projecting to the striatum, the striatum to the internal segment of the globus pallidus, the internal segment of the globus pallidus to the thalamus, and the thalamus back to the cortex. This loop is responsible for regulating movement and cognitive processes.

      However, problems with the basal ganglia can lead to several conditions. Huntington’s chorea is caused by degeneration of the caudate nucleus, while Wilson’s disease is characterized by copper deposition in the basal ganglia. Parkinson’s disease is associated with degeneration of the substantia nigra, and hemiballism results from damage to the subthalamic nucleus.

      In summary, the basal ganglia are a crucial part of the brain that regulate movement and some cognitive processes. Disorders of the basal ganglia can lead to significant neurological conditions that affect movement and other functions.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences
  • Question 16 - What is the term used to describe the inability to perceive multiple objects...


    • What is the term used to describe the inability to perceive multiple objects in the visual field simultaneously?

      Your Answer: Visuospatial agnosia

      Correct Answer: Simultanagnosia


      Agnosia is a condition where a person loses the ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes, of smells, despite having no significant memory loss of defective senses. There are different types of agnosia, such as prosopagnosia (inability to recognize familiar faces), anosognosia (inability to recognize one’s own condition/illness), autotopagnosia (inability to orient parts of the body), phonagnosia (inability to recognize familiar voices), simultanagnosia (inability to appreciate two objects in the visual field at the same time), and astereoagnosia (inability to recognize objects by touch).

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences
  • Question 17 - Which of the following cannot trigger abnormal wave patterns on the EEG? ...


    • Which of the following cannot trigger abnormal wave patterns on the EEG?

      Your Answer: Selected medications

      Correct Answer: Cold environments



      Electroencephalography (EEG) is a clinical test that records the brain’s spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time using multiple electrodes placed on the scalp. It is mainly used to rule out organic conditions and can help differentiate dementia from other disorders such as metabolic encephalopathies, CJD, herpes encephalitis, and non-convulsive status epilepticus. EEG can also distinguish possible psychotic episodes and acute confusional states from non-convulsive status epilepticus.

      Not all abnormal EEGs represent an underlying condition, and psychotropic medications can affect EEG findings. EEG abnormalities can also be triggered purposely by activation procedures such as hyperventilation, photic stimulation, certain drugs, and sleep deprivation.

      Specific waveforms are seen in an EEG, including delta, theta, alpha, sigma, beta, and gamma waves. Delta waves are found frontally in adults and posteriorly in children during slow wave sleep, and excessive amounts when awake may indicate pathology. Theta waves are generally seen in young children, drowsy and sleeping adults, and during meditation. Alpha waves are seen posteriorly when relaxed and when the eyes are closed, and are also seen in meditation. Sigma waves are bursts of oscillatory activity that occur in stage 2 sleep. Beta waves are seen frontally when busy of concentrating, and gamma waves are seen in advanced/very experienced meditators.

      Certain conditions are associated with specific EEG changes, such as nonspecific slowing in early CJD, low voltage EEG in Huntington’s, diffuse slowing in encephalopathy, and reduced alpha and beta with increased delta and theta in Alzheimer’s.

      Common epileptiform patterns include spikes, spike/sharp waves, and spike-waves. Medications can have important effects on EEG findings, with clozapine decreasing alpha and increasing delta and theta, lithium increasing all waveforms, lamotrigine decreasing all waveforms, and valproate having inconclusive effects on delta and theta and increasing beta.

      Overall, EEG is a useful tool in clinical contexts for ruling out organic conditions and differentiating between various disorders.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 18 - What waveform represents a frequency range of 8-12Hz? ...


    • What waveform represents a frequency range of 8-12Hz?

      Your Answer: Beta

      Correct Answer: Alpha



      Electroencephalography (EEG) is a clinical test that records the brain’s spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time using multiple electrodes placed on the scalp. It is mainly used to rule out organic conditions and can help differentiate dementia from other disorders such as metabolic encephalopathies, CJD, herpes encephalitis, and non-convulsive status epilepticus. EEG can also distinguish possible psychotic episodes and acute confusional states from non-convulsive status epilepticus.

      Not all abnormal EEGs represent an underlying condition, and psychotropic medications can affect EEG findings. EEG abnormalities can also be triggered purposely by activation procedures such as hyperventilation, photic stimulation, certain drugs, and sleep deprivation.

      Specific waveforms are seen in an EEG, including delta, theta, alpha, sigma, beta, and gamma waves. Delta waves are found frontally in adults and posteriorly in children during slow wave sleep, and excessive amounts when awake may indicate pathology. Theta waves are generally seen in young children, drowsy and sleeping adults, and during meditation. Alpha waves are seen posteriorly when relaxed and when the eyes are closed, and are also seen in meditation. Sigma waves are bursts of oscillatory activity that occur in stage 2 sleep. Beta waves are seen frontally when busy of concentrating, and gamma waves are seen in advanced/very experienced meditators.

      Certain conditions are associated with specific EEG changes, such as nonspecific slowing in early CJD, low voltage EEG in Huntington’s, diffuse slowing in encephalopathy, and reduced alpha and beta with increased delta and theta in Alzheimer’s.

      Common epileptiform patterns include spikes, spike/sharp waves, and spike-waves. Medications can have important effects on EEG findings, with clozapine decreasing alpha and increasing delta and theta, lithium increasing all waveforms, lamotrigine decreasing all waveforms, and valproate having inconclusive effects on delta and theta and increasing beta.

      Overall, EEG is a useful tool in clinical contexts for ruling out organic conditions and differentiating between various disorders.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences
  • Question 19 - Which statement accurately describes the role of the basal ganglia? ...


    • Which statement accurately describes the role of the basal ganglia?

      Your Answer: Degeneration of the basal ganglia is associated with movement problems


      The Basal Ganglia: Functions and Disorders

      The basal ganglia are a group of subcortical structures that play a crucial role in controlling movement and some cognitive processes. The components of the basal ganglia include the striatum (caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens), subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra (divided into pars compacta and pars reticulata). The putamen and globus pallidus are collectively referred to as the lenticular nucleus.

      The basal ganglia are connected in a complex loop, with the cortex projecting to the striatum, the striatum to the internal segment of the globus pallidus, the internal segment of the globus pallidus to the thalamus, and the thalamus back to the cortex. This loop is responsible for regulating movement and cognitive processes.

      However, problems with the basal ganglia can lead to several conditions. Huntington’s chorea is caused by degeneration of the caudate nucleus, while Wilson’s disease is characterized by copper deposition in the basal ganglia. Parkinson’s disease is associated with degeneration of the substantia nigra, and hemiballism results from damage to the subthalamic nucleus.

      In summary, the basal ganglia are a crucial part of the brain that regulate movement and some cognitive processes. Disorders of the basal ganglia can lead to significant neurological conditions that affect movement and other functions.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences
  • Question 20 - Under normal circumstances, which stage of sleep is responsible for the largest portion...


    • Under normal circumstances, which stage of sleep is responsible for the largest portion of total sleep time?

      Your Answer: Stage III

      Correct Answer: Stage II


      Sleep Stages

      Sleep is divided into two distinct states called rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM). NREM is subdivided into four stages.

      Sleep stage
      Approx % of time spent in stage
      EEG findings

      Theta waves (4-7 Hz)
      The dozing off stage. Characterized by hypnic jerks: spontaneous myoclonic contractions associated with a sensation of twitching of falling.

      Theta waves, K complexes and sleep spindles (short bursts of 12-14 Hz activity)
      Body enters a more subdued state including a drop in temperature, relaxed muscles, and slowed breathing and heart rate. At the same time, brain waves show a new pattern and eye movement stops.

      Delta waves (0-4 Hz)
      Deepest stage of sleep (high waking threshold). The length of stage 3 decreases over the course of the night.

      Mixed, predominantly beta
      High dream activity.

      The percentage of REM sleep decreases with age.

      It takes the average person 15-20 minutes to fall asleep, this is called sleep latency (characterised by the onset of stage I sleep). Once asleep one descends through stages I-II and then III-IV (deep stages). After about 90 minutes of sleep one enters REM. The rest of the sleep comprises of cycles through the stages. As the sleep progresses the periods of REM become greater and the periods of NREM become less. During an average night’s sleep one spends 25% of the sleep in REM and 75% in NREM.

      REM sleep has certain characteristics that separate it from NREM

      Characteristics of REM sleep

      – Autonomic instability (variability in heart rate, respiratory rate, and BP)
      – Loss of muscle tone
      – Dreaming
      – Rapid eye movements
      – Penile erection


      (No information provided on deafness in relation to sleep stages)

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences
  • Question 21 - What is a true statement about sigma waves in relation to EEG? ...


    • What is a true statement about sigma waves in relation to EEG?

      Your Answer: They result from the interaction between the cerebellum and the cortex

      Correct Answer: They are absent in familial fatal insomnia


      Sigma waves are typically observed during stage 2 sleep and are considered a normal occurrence during sleep. They usually follow muscle twitches and are believed to help maintain a peaceful state during sleep. These waves are produced in the reticular nucleus of the thalamus and arise from the interplay between the thalamus and the cortex. However, in familial fatal insomnia (a prion disease), the absence of sigma waves is a characteristic feature.


      Electroencephalography (EEG) is a clinical test that records the brain’s spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time using multiple electrodes placed on the scalp. It is mainly used to rule out organic conditions and can help differentiate dementia from other disorders such as metabolic encephalopathies, CJD, herpes encephalitis, and non-convulsive status epilepticus. EEG can also distinguish possible psychotic episodes and acute confusional states from non-convulsive status epilepticus.

      Not all abnormal EEGs represent an underlying condition, and psychotropic medications can affect EEG findings. EEG abnormalities can also be triggered purposely by activation procedures such as hyperventilation, photic stimulation, certain drugs, and sleep deprivation.

      Specific waveforms are seen in an EEG, including delta, theta, alpha, sigma, beta, and gamma waves. Delta waves are found frontally in adults and posteriorly in children during slow wave sleep, and excessive amounts when awake may indicate pathology. Theta waves are generally seen in young children, drowsy and sleeping adults, and during meditation. Alpha waves are seen posteriorly when relaxed and when the eyes are closed, and are also seen in meditation. Sigma waves are bursts of oscillatory activity that occur in stage 2 sleep. Beta waves are seen frontally when busy of concentrating, and gamma waves are seen in advanced/very experienced meditators.

      Certain conditions are associated with specific EEG changes, such as nonspecific slowing in early CJD, low voltage EEG in Huntington’s, diffuse slowing in encephalopathy, and reduced alpha and beta with increased delta and theta in Alzheimer’s.

      Common epileptiform patterns include spikes, spike/sharp waves, and spike-waves. Medications can have important effects on EEG findings, with clozapine decreasing alpha and increasing delta and theta, lithium increasing all waveforms, lamotrigine decreasing all waveforms, and valproate having inconclusive effects on delta and theta and increasing beta.

      Overall, EEG is a useful tool in clinical contexts for ruling out organic conditions and differentiating between various disorders.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences
  • Question 22 - What neuropathological evidence would provide the strongest support for a diagnosis of chronic...


    • What neuropathological evidence would provide the strongest support for a diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy?

      Your Answer: Increased pigmentation of the substantia nigra

      Correct Answer: Tau accumulations, predominantly around small intracortical blood vessels


      Dementia Pugilistica: A Neurodegenerative Condition Resulting from Neurotrauma

      Dementia pugilistica, also known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), is a neurodegenerative condition that results from neurotrauma. It is commonly seen in boxers and NFL players, but can also occur in anyone with neurotrauma. The condition is characterized by symptoms such as gait ataxia, slurred speech, impaired hearing, tremors, disequilibrium, neurobehavioral disturbances, and progressive cognitive decline.

      Most cases of dementia pugilistica present with early onset cognitive deficits, and behavioral signs exhibited by patients include aggression, suspiciousness, paranoia, childishness, hypersexuality, depression, and restlessness. The progression of the condition leads to more prominent behavioral symptoms such as difficulty with impulse control, irritability, inappropriateness, and explosive outbursts of aggression.

      Neuropathological abnormalities have been identified in CTE, with the most unique feature being the abnormal accumulation of tau in neurons and glia in an irregular, focal, perivascular distribution and at the depths of cortical sulci. Abnormalities of the septum pellucidum, such as cavum and fenestration, are also a common feature.

      While the condition has become increasingly rare due to the progressive improvement in sports safety, it is important to recognize the potential long-term consequences of repeated head injuries and take steps to prevent them.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 23 - What EEG waveform corresponds to a frequency range of 12-30Hz? ...


    • What EEG waveform corresponds to a frequency range of 12-30Hz?

      Your Answer: Delta

      Correct Answer: Beta



      Electroencephalography (EEG) is a clinical test that records the brain’s spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time using multiple electrodes placed on the scalp. It is mainly used to rule out organic conditions and can help differentiate dementia from other disorders such as metabolic encephalopathies, CJD, herpes encephalitis, and non-convulsive status epilepticus. EEG can also distinguish possible psychotic episodes and acute confusional states from non-convulsive status epilepticus.

      Not all abnormal EEGs represent an underlying condition, and psychotropic medications can affect EEG findings. EEG abnormalities can also be triggered purposely by activation procedures such as hyperventilation, photic stimulation, certain drugs, and sleep deprivation.

      Specific waveforms are seen in an EEG, including delta, theta, alpha, sigma, beta, and gamma waves. Delta waves are found frontally in adults and posteriorly in children during slow wave sleep, and excessive amounts when awake may indicate pathology. Theta waves are generally seen in young children, drowsy and sleeping adults, and during meditation. Alpha waves are seen posteriorly when relaxed and when the eyes are closed, and are also seen in meditation. Sigma waves are bursts of oscillatory activity that occur in stage 2 sleep. Beta waves are seen frontally when busy of concentrating, and gamma waves are seen in advanced/very experienced meditators.

      Certain conditions are associated with specific EEG changes, such as nonspecific slowing in early CJD, low voltage EEG in Huntington’s, diffuse slowing in encephalopathy, and reduced alpha and beta with increased delta and theta in Alzheimer’s.

      Common epileptiform patterns include spikes, spike/sharp waves, and spike-waves. Medications can have important effects on EEG findings, with clozapine decreasing alpha and increasing delta and theta, lithium increasing all waveforms, lamotrigine decreasing all waveforms, and valproate having inconclusive effects on delta and theta and increasing beta.

      Overall, EEG is a useful tool in clinical contexts for ruling out organic conditions and differentiating between various disorders.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 24 - From which substance is gamma-aminobutyric acid synthesized? ...


    • From which substance is gamma-aminobutyric acid synthesized?

      Your Answer: Glutamate


      Glutamate is the precursor for the synthesis of GABA.

      Neurotransmitters are substances used by neurons to communicate with each other and with target tissues. They are synthesized and released from nerve endings into the synaptic cleft, where they bind to receptor proteins in the cellular membrane of the target tissue. Neurotransmitters can be classified into different types, including small molecules (such as acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and GABA) and large molecules (such as neuropeptides). They can also be classified as excitatory or inhibitory. Receptors can be ionotropic or metabotropic, and the effects of neurotransmitters can be fast of slow. Some important neurotransmitters include acetylcholine, dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Each neurotransmitter has a specific synthesis, breakdown, and receptor type. Understanding neurotransmitters is important for understanding the function of the nervous system and for developing treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 25 - An EEG analysis indicates the presence of a mass in the brain. What...


    • An EEG analysis indicates the presence of a mass in the brain. What were the observed wave patterns?

      Your Answer: Mu activity (μ)

      Correct Answer: Delta activity (δ)


      While alpha (α) and beta (β) activity are typical in adults who are awake and at rest, delta activity (δ) may suggest the presence of a brain tumor. Mu (μ) activity is linked to movement, and theta activity (θ) is uncommon in the waking adult population, occurring briefly in only 15% of individuals.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 26 - What is a true statement about neurofibrillary tangles? ...


    • What is a true statement about neurofibrillary tangles?

      Your Answer: The are a characteristic finding in Huntington's disease

      Correct Answer: They are composed of Tau protein


      Neurofibrillary tangles consist of insoluble clumps of Tau protein, which are made up of multiple strands. Since Tau is a microtubule-associated protein that plays a role in the structural processes of neurons, these tangles are always found within the cell.

      Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by both macroscopic and microscopic changes in the brain. Macroscopic changes include cortical atrophy, ventricular dilation, and depigmentation of the locus coeruleus. Microscopic changes include the presence of senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, gliosis, degeneration of the nucleus of Meynert, and Hirano bodies. Senile plaques are extracellular deposits of beta amyloid in the gray matter of the brain, while neurofibrillary tangles are intracellular inclusion bodies that consist primarily of hyperphosphorylated tau. Gliosis is marked by increases in activated microglia and reactive astrocytes near the sites of amyloid plaques. The nucleus of Meynert degenerates in Alzheimer’s, resulting in a decrease in acetylcholine in the brain. Hirano bodies are actin-rich, eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions which have a highly characteristic crystalloid fine structure and are regarded as a nonspecific manifestation of neuronal degeneration. These changes in the brain contribute to the cognitive decline and memory loss seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 27 - What is the EEG waveform with the slowest frequency? ...


    • What is the EEG waveform with the slowest frequency?

      Your Answer: Theta

      Correct Answer: Delta


      EEG Waveform Frequencies

      Delta waves have the lowest frequency among the EEG waveforms, ranging from 0.5 to 4 Hz. Theta waves follow with a frequency range of 4 to 8 Hz, while alpha waves have a frequency range of 8 to 14 Hz. Beta waves have a frequency range of 14 to 32 Hz, and gamma waves have a frequency range of 32 to 48+ Hz. In a normal awake adult EEG, alpha waves are the most prominent waveform.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 28 - In which region of the monkey's cortex were mirror neurons initially identified? ...


    • In which region of the monkey's cortex were mirror neurons initially identified?

      Your Answer: Premotor cortex


      Visuomotor neurons known as mirror neurons are situated in the premotor cortex. These neurons were initially identified in a specific region of the premotor cortex in monkeys called area F5, but have since been observed in the inferior parietal lobule as well (Rizzolatti 2001).

      Mirror Neurons: A Model for Imitation Learning

      Mirror neurons are a unique type of visuomotor neurons that were first identified in the premotor cortex of monkeys in area F5. These neurons fire not only when the monkey performs a specific action but also when it observes another individual, whether it is a monkey of a human, performing a similar action. This discovery has led to the development of a model for understanding imitation learning.

      Mirror neurons offer a fascinating insight into how humans and animals learn by imitation. They provide a neural mechanism that allows individuals to understand the actions of others and to replicate those actions themselves. This process is essential for social learning, as it enables individuals to learn from others and to adapt to their environment.

      The discovery of mirror neurons has also led to new research in the field of neuroscience, as scientists seek to understand how these neurons work and how they can be used to improve our understanding of human behavior. As we continue to learn more about mirror neurons, we may be able to develop new therapies for individuals with social and communication disorders, such as autism.

      Overall, mirror neurons are a fascinating area of research that has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of human behavior and learning. By studying these neurons, we may be able to unlock new insights into how we learn, communicate, and interact with others.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 29 - By which process is dopamine broken down? ...


    • By which process is dopamine broken down?

      Your Answer: Dopamine decarboxylase

      Correct Answer: Monoamine oxidase


      Neurotransmitters are substances used by neurons to communicate with each other and with target tissues. They are synthesized and released from nerve endings into the synaptic cleft, where they bind to receptor proteins in the cellular membrane of the target tissue. Neurotransmitters can be classified into different types, including small molecules (such as acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and GABA) and large molecules (such as neuropeptides). They can also be classified as excitatory or inhibitory. Receptors can be ionotropic or metabotropic, and the effects of neurotransmitters can be fast of slow. Some important neurotransmitters include acetylcholine, dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Each neurotransmitter has a specific synthesis, breakdown, and receptor type. Understanding neurotransmitters is important for understanding the function of the nervous system and for developing treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

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      • Neurosciences
  • Question 30 - What triggers the release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic vesicles into the synaptic cleft?...


    • What triggers the release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic vesicles into the synaptic cleft?

      Your Answer: Calcium


      Neurotransmitters are substances used by neurons to communicate with each other and with target tissues. They are synthesized and released from nerve endings into the synaptic cleft, where they bind to receptor proteins in the cellular membrane of the target tissue. Neurotransmitters can be classified into different types, including small molecules (such as acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and GABA) and large molecules (such as neuropeptides). They can also be classified as excitatory or inhibitory. Receptors can be ionotropic or metabotropic, and the effects of neurotransmitters can be fast of slow. Some important neurotransmitters include acetylcholine, dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Each neurotransmitter has a specific synthesis, breakdown, and receptor type. Understanding neurotransmitters is important for understanding the function of the nervous system and for developing treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurosciences


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