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  • Question 1 - A 46-year old female patient experienced a stroke that affected her glossopharyngeal nerve....


    • A 46-year old female patient experienced a stroke that affected her glossopharyngeal nerve. Damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve would most likely:

      Your Answer: Affect taste of the anterior 2 thirds of the tongue

      Correct Answer: Result in general sensory deficit to the pharynx


      The glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) has many functions which include:

      – Contributes to the pharyngeal plexus

      – Receiving general somatic sensory fibres from the tonsils, pharynx, the middle ear and the posterior third of the tongue.

      – supplies motor fibres to only one muscle; the stylopharyngeus muscle.

      – provides parasympathetic fibres to the parotid gland via the otic ganglion.

      – Receives visceral sensory fibres from the carotid bodies & carotid sinus.

      – Receives special visceral sensory fibres from the posterior third of the tongue.

      The above functions will directly be affected by the damage of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 2 - An anatomy instructor is giving a demonstration of the right lung. Which of...


    • An anatomy instructor is giving a demonstration of the right lung. Which of the statements about the right lung made by the demonstrator is correct?

      Your Answer: Its upper lobar bronchus lies behind and above the right pulmonary artery


      The root of the lungs on both sides are similar in that the pulmonary veins are anterior and inferior while the bronchus is posterior. However, on the right side, the pulmonary arteries are anterior to the bronchus while on the left side the pulmonary arteries are superior to the bronchus. The lingual is only found on the left lung. The mediastinum is the space in the thorax between the two pleural sacs and does not contain any lung. The right lung, having three lobes, is slightly larger than the left lung. On both sides, the phrenic nerves passes in front of the root of the lung.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Thorax
  • Question 3 - During clinic, a medical student conducts a physical examination on a teenage boy...


    • During clinic, a medical student conducts a physical examination on a teenage boy with a lump in the inguinal region. The lump is protruding from the superficial inguinal ring. The student correctly concluded that it was:

      Your Answer: Either a direct or an indirect inguinal hernia


      It is not possible to tell if an inguinal hernia is direct or indirect just by palpating it. Despite the fact that indirect inguinal hernias commonly come out of the superficial inguinal ring to enter the scrotum, direct inguinal hernia might still do this.

      Femoral hernia goes through the femoral ring into the femoral canal (has nothing to do with the superficial inguinal ring).

      Superficial inguinal lymph nodes lie in the superficial fascia parallel to the inguinal ligament; it would therefore feel more superficial and would not be mistaken for a hernia protruding through the inguinal ring.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 4 - The circle of Willis is an arterial anastomosis in the base of the...


    • The circle of Willis is an arterial anastomosis in the base of the brain and is one of the cerebrovascular safeguards in the brain. Where is the circle of Willis contained?

      Your Answer: Cisterna basalis


      Cisterns refers to a system of intercommunicating pools formed by the subarachnoid space at the base of the brain and around the brainstem. Cisterna basalis/basal cistern (interpeduncular cistern) is found at the base of the brain between the two temporal lobes and it contains the arterial circle of Willis. The lumbar cistern is contained in the spinal canal while the foramen magna refers to the opening at the base of the skull though which the spinal cord enters into the skull.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 5 - A 70-year old man who is suspected to have a perforated colonic diverticulum...


    • A 70-year old man who is suspected to have a perforated colonic diverticulum is explored in theatre through a midline incision. This incision will be through the:

      Your Answer: Linea alba


      The linea alba is the point where this incision was made. It is a tendinous raphe in the midline of the abdomen extending between the xiphoid process and the symphysis pubis. It is placed between the medial borders of the recti and is formed by the blending of the aponeuroses of the external and internal obliques and transversi.

      The linea aspera is a vertical ridge on the posterior surface of the femur.

      The arcuate line is the inferior border of the posterior rectus sheath behind the rectus abdominis muscle.

      The semilunar line is the lateral margin of the rectus abdominis.

      The iliopectineal line is a line on the pelvic bones formed by the arcuate line of the ilium and the pectineal line of the pubis.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 6 - During an exploratory laparotomy in a 22 year-old man shot in the abdomen,...


    • During an exploratory laparotomy in a 22 year-old man shot in the abdomen, the operating doctor discovers the large bowel is perforated. Which of the following characteristics of the bowel enabled the surgeon to identify it as the large bowel?

      Your Answer: Epiploic appendages


      The large intestine doesn’t have a continuous layer of longitudinal muscle. Instead, it has three strips of longitudinal muscle called taenia coli. The large intestine is covered with omental appendages that are fat filled. It is also folded into sacculations called haustrations. Serosa is a general term for the outermost coat or serous layer of a visceral structure that lies in the body cavities of the abdomen or thorax.

      Complete circular folds are only found in the small intestine.

      Valvulae conniventes or valves of Kerckring are the circular folds which are large valvular flaps projecting into the lumen of the small bowel.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 7 - An excision of a mass in the right parietal area of the head...


    • An excision of a mass in the right parietal area of the head will be performed. In which layer of the scalp are the nerves and blood vessels located?

      Your Answer: Pericranium

      Correct Answer: Connective tissue


      The scalp is the anatomical area bordered by the face at the front, and by the neck at the sides and back. The scalp is usually described as having five layers:

      1. The skin which contains numerous sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

      2. The connective tissue, a dense subcutaneous layer of fat and fibrous tissue that lies beneath the skin, containing the nerves and vessels of the scalp.

      3. The aponeurosis or galea aponeurotica, a tough layer of dense fibrous tissue which runs from the frontalis muscle anteriorly to the occipitalis posteriorly.

      4. The loose areolar connective tissue layer provides an easy plane of separation between the upper three layers and the pericranium.

      5. The pericranium is the periosteum of the skull bones and provides nutrition to the bone and the capacity for repair.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 8 - The lateral thoracic artery: ...


    • The lateral thoracic artery:

      Your Answer: Is a branch of the subclavian artery

      Correct Answer: Accompanies the long thoracic nerve to the serratus anterior muscle


      The thoracic nerve, along with the lateral thoracic artery, follow the pectoralis minor to the side of the chest which supplies the serratus anterior and the pectoralis. It then sends branches across the axilla to the axillary glands and subscapularis. The pectoral branch of the thoraco-acromial anastomoses with the internal mammary, subscapular and intercostal arteries, which in women, supply an external mammary branch.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Breast
  • Question 9 - The midgut loop, also called the primary intestinal loop in a developing embryo,...


    • The midgut loop, also called the primary intestinal loop in a developing embryo, is formed when the midgut bends around which of the following arteries?

      Your Answer: Superior mesenteric


      In a developing foetus, the midgut develops to form most of the intestines. During this development process, the midgut usually bends around the superior mesenteric artery and forms what is referred to as the midgut loop.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 10 - Which is the correct statement regarding gonadal venous drainage: ...


    • Which is the correct statement regarding gonadal venous drainage:

      Your Answer: The left ovarian vein drains into the left renal vein


      Spermatic or testicular veins arise from the posterior aspect of the testis and receive tributaries from the epididymis. Upon uniting, they form the pampiniform plexus that makes up the greater mass of the spermatic cord. The vessels that make up this plexus rise up the spermatic cord in front of the ductus deferens. They then unite, below the superficial ring, to form three or four veins that traverse the inguinal canal and enter the abdomen through the deep inguinal ring. They further unite to form 2 veins that ascend up the psoas major muscle behind the peritoneum each lying on either side of the testicular artery. These further unite to form one vein that empties on the right side of the inferior vena cava at an acute angle and on the left side into the renal vein, at a right angle. The left testicular vein courses behind the iliac colon and is thus exposed to pressure from the contents of this part of the bowel. The ovarian vein is the equivalent of the testicular vein in women. They form a plexus in the broad ligament near the ovary and uterine tube and communicate with the uterine plexus. They drain into similar vessels as in a man.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy


Anatomy (7/10) 70%
Head & Neck (1/3) 33%
Thorax (1/1) 100%
Abdomen (5/5) 100%
Breast (0/1) 0%